December 3, Horoscope

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December 3, Horoscope
December 3, Horoscope

Video: December 3, Horoscope

Video: December 3, Horoscope
Video: December 3 - Birthday Horoscope Personality 2024, September


March 20 - April 18

The full moon prompts you to express your most sincere feelings. You are sensitive and very emotional. You want to be understood and understood. Mercury, retrograde, hinders good communication with foreigners or outside your country. It also hinders any physical activity, sports or future plans.

Your statement today: "I can, nothing beats me."

Lucky Numbers: 3, 19, 33

Holy Word: Power


April 19 - May 19

The full moon drives you to spend excessively. You go shopping and spend without control, without thinking that you commit money you need. It is important to keep track and save. Mercury, retrograde, further damages this trend. You will act on impulse and without thinking.

Your statement today: "I have control of my actions."

Lucky Numbers: 20, 23, 11

Holy Word: Measure


May 20 - June 21

The full moon over you alters your emotions, character and love life. You are very sensitive to criticism and the actions that other people have with you. Avoid taking what others say or do personally. The problem is not with you, it is them. Mercury, retrograde, brings misunderstandings with partners or partners.

Your statement today: "I am a happy being and full of blessings."

Lucky Numbers: 9, 40, 11

Holy Word: Celebration


June 21 - July 21

Many unfinished or pending issues are reborn with this full moon. You must attend them according to their priority. Nothing to waste time with what you already know will not change. Mercury, retrograde, alter your relationship with colleagues at work or study. Patience. Adapt.

Your statement today: "I enjoy health, prosperity and a lot of love."

Lucky Numbers: 20, 34, 17

Holy Word: Calm


July 22 - August 21

Your social life goes off or stops during this full moon. Take the opportunity to rest and spend time highlighting your personal beauty. Mercury, retrograde, alter your romantic life. At the moment, talking is not very effective. Watch and act as it suits you.

Your statement today: "I take care of myself and protect myself from what can make me suffer."

Lucky Numbers: 44, 20, 32

Holy Word: Rest


August 22 - September 21

Mercury, your ruler, is retrograde. During this period, avoid arguments with members of your family. Avoid meeting with those you don't like. The full moon brings you to focus on your work. You will seek to improve yourself or climb into a better job position.

Your statement today: "I choose to be happy, prosperous and successful."

Lucky Numbers: 2, 10, 44

Holy Word: Overcoming


September 22 - October 22

Mercury, retrograde, brings complications, more work and dedication to everything related to your profession or studies. Take everything calmly and flow. Avoid adding more stress affects your health. The full moon drives you to enjoy the peace of your home and the company of friends.

Your statement today: "My heart is full of love, peace and joy."

Lucky Numbers: 33, 48, 16

Holy Word: Peace


October 23 - November 20

Mercury, retrograde in your mansion of money, is something very important since it warns that you must take care of your expenses and income this Christmas. Everything related to business, financial transactions, could be affected during this period. The full moon makes you more passionate and impulsive when you love.

Your statement today: "I do what I want and bear the consequences."

Lucky Numbers: 4, 17, 27

Holy Word: Economy


November 21 - December 20

Mercury, retrograde, will be upon you from today. Be very cautious when speaking, writing or acting. Your strong character can be your worst enemy during this period. Your words could isolate you from your loved ones. The full moon makes your partner sensitive and could distance himself for a few days.

Your statement today: "I open myself to live in peace and love."

Lucky Numbers: 21, 38, 44

Holy Word: Love


December 21 - January 18

Mercury, retrograde behind you, tests your will and desire to overcome situations that in the past have made you suffer and you do not want to repeat. You cut off all communication with negative and toxic people. You give up on continuing to love someone who doesn't love you. The full moon wobbles your health.

Your statement today: "I renounce everything that hurts me."

Lucky Numbers: 3, 18, 44

Holy Word: Firmness


January 19 - February 17

This full moon brings romance and conquest for you. You return to the arms of the person with whom you feel comfortable. You clarify delicate situations and face a new future with stronger roots. Mercury, retrograde, takes you away from certain friendships that have shown you that they are not loyal to you.

Your statement today: "I say goodbye to the past and build a better future today."

Lucky Numbers: 5, 55, 17

Holy Word: Determination


February 18 - March 19

Decide today to be the happiest being that can exist. Let nothing affect your good spirits and attitude towards life. The full moon tests you in very delicate family situations. Mercury, retrograde, complicates certain pending agreements, contracts or negotiations. Patience that everything will materialize in your favor.

Your statement today: "I love what I do and I am successful."

Lucky Numbers: 5, 9, 19

Holy Word: Patience
