Woman Shot Her Partner In YouTube Video

Woman Shot Her Partner In YouTube Video
Woman Shot Her Partner In YouTube Video

Video: Woman Shot Her Partner In YouTube Video

Video: Woman Shot Her Partner In YouTube Video
Video: Woman streams graphic video of boyfriend shot by police 2024, September

Authorities in Halstad, Minnesota, revealed the chilling 911 call a 19-year-old Hispanic woman made after shooting her boyfriend while filming a YouTube video.

Monalisa Pérez, 19, has been accused of killing Pedro Ruíz III, who was shot in the chest while detaining a book as part of one of the scenes on the recording. In Pérez's heartbreaking call for help, the operator is heard saying: “We were making a YouTube video and it went wrong. Please hurry up! My God, hurry up, please!”

The incident occurred on June 26 at the couple's home. According to reports from the WDAY-TV television station, Pérez shot her boyfriend a foot away while he was holding a book to his chest, which was pierced by the bullet. Paramedics answered his call for help and took him by helicopter to a nearby medical center, where he died.

Monalisa Perez
Monalisa Perez

When the news was released, it was reported that the couple recorded the video in search of fame on YouTube, where they enjoyed a certain popularity with their videos of daring and mischief. Pérez and the deceased are parents of a minor of 3 years and also they were expecting their second child.

According to authorities, 911 calls obtained by People magazine reveal that the woman was somehow aware of how dangerous the video was.
