Comey Talks About Donald Trump

Comey Talks About Donald Trump
Comey Talks About Donald Trump

Video: Comey Talks About Donald Trump

Video: Comey Talks About Donald Trump
Video: James Comey on Donald Trump and the FBI - BBC News 2024, September

A day before his expected appearance in the United States Congress, the testimony that former FBI Director James Comey will offer about his relationship with President Donald Trump was released by the Senate intelligence committee.

In the document he will read before answering the congressmen's question, he confirms that the president asked him in a private meeting to "let go" of the open investigation against former national security adviser Michael Flynn about his contacts with the Russian government.

“I hope you can let this go, let go of Flynn's. Is a good person. I hope you can leave this issue behind,”the president would have told him, according to Comey, who warned that Trump had asked him for“loyalty”at a private dinner, despite the fact that the FBI director must be independent from the White House.

"I did not move, speak or change my expression. We just looked at each other in silence, "Comey said of his reaction after the president's comment.

He also explains that Trump called him on another occasion to regret that the investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the presidential elections was a "cloud" over his presidency and that it should make clear that the president himself was not under investigation.

Comey, whom Trump fired in May, declined to do so because, despite the fact that they were not personally investigating the president, it could be that in the course of the investigations that changed.


In total, according to the document, the former FBI director held nine conversations with Trump, in person or by phone, in just under four months. That contrasts with the two conversations he had with President Barack Obama in the years he served under the previous administration.
