Developing Daily Routines With Roxanne Flores

Developing Daily Routines With Roxanne Flores
Developing Daily Routines With Roxanne Flores

Video: Developing Daily Routines With Roxanne Flores

Video: Developing Daily Routines With Roxanne Flores
Video: What is the real story of my life?😭 daily Routine l pregnancy میری شادی گاؤں میں کس نے کی 😢2, 2021 2024, April
Latina Businesswoman Writing Schedule
Latina Businesswoman Writing Schedule

Roxanne Flores, a native of Brooklyn, NY, is Vice President, Human Resources & Chief Diversity Officer at Meredith Corporation, a role she assumed in April 2018 when the company acquired TIME, Inc. Roxanne oversees all aspects of the company's human resources worldwide, including talent development, employee engagement, labor relations and compensation and benefits.

Congratulations on completing you first 90 days on the job, Girl! You've learned a ton, made some valuable connections and your boss thinks you are a great addition to the team. Mission accomplished!

Alas, this is not the time to go on auto-pilot. American philosopher Mortimer J. Adler said that “habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts.” What does this have to do with me, you ask? Stay with me…

It is clear to me by now that you are passionate about your success. I want you to stay that way. I've always been curious about the habits of prosperous people and their impact on success. And, I love a good hack… why reinvent the wheel? What I've found in my 25-plus years in HR is that people who develop good daily habits at work tend to be more productive and are energized about the work they perform.

While the below is not an exhaustive list by any means, I hope it sparks something in you…

  1. Be punctual. This is not the time to be fashionably late. Being prompt is a sign of professionalism. It shows respect for your co-worker's time and instantly makes them feel valued and appreciative. And you will feel more prepared, relaxed and more apt to contribute in a meaningful way.
  2. Be a team player. Effective teamwork helps drive the organization toward success. It also sets you apart as someone who is invested and can be counted on to be effective and efficient.
  3. Be solutions oriented. Take productive action without direction. Found a problem? Fix it. Can't fix it? Bring it to someone who can. People who consider the broader perspective are highly valued in the workplace.
  4. Be flexible. Don't be afraid to try new things or try something that failed before. Timing is everything and the circumstances that led to failure the first time may no longer be relevant.
  5. Follow through. If you say you're on it, be on it. Your word is all you have, so finish what you start. If there is something blocking you from your end goal, communicate it to the stakeholder so they can help you navigate to completion.
  6. Be open to constructive feedback. While difficult, try to listen and avoid getting defensive. Most people are conflict averse, and it takes a person who really cares to stop and give you feedback that will ultimately help you succeed; so take it in.

On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes second nature. Building better habits is not an all-or-nothing process, so stay the course, even if you fall short every now and then.

The best part of this process is that it will strengthen the confidence in your abilities. Everyone enjoys working with people who come to work every day, interact in a positive manner and take pride in their work.

You have this! And get to work! Until next week!

I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a tweet on Twitter @FloresRoxie
