Study Among Single Women And Dementia

Study Among Single Women And Dementia
Study Among Single Women And Dementia

That singleness is in fashion?

Single girls appear to be at higher risk for Alzheimer's, according to a recent study. The figures are higher for females than for males when it comes to mental health.

As recited by the Bronx Diva and multifaceted Jennifer Lopez, in her song "the ring for when" is what many women wonder when they reach a certain age where they already want to settle down and find their prince charming.


But the reality is that the number of singles continues to increase year after year, especially in the case of women, and reaches the point of concern regarding health.

The University of Oxford Academy has found that women who do not have a boyfriend or an active partner life are at greater risk of developing dementia.

As part of their research, which involved more than 15,000 people over the age of 52, there are married, divorced, widowed, never married or in suitable relationships, and, according to the analysis, women are those who are at the highest risk of suffering from Alzheimer's.


But this topic is not only of concern for women.

Although men are the population with the least mental problems, especially those who are divorced, they must also be alert.

In conclusion about this study, experts confirmed that "what is good for the heart is good for the brain."

Apparently love and feeling happy as a couple can help your mental health. So let's take care of the control tower of our body!
