Woman Almost Paralyzed Running From A Rapist And Now She Will Run In A Marathon

Woman Almost Paralyzed Running From A Rapist And Now She Will Run In A Marathon
Woman Almost Paralyzed Running From A Rapist And Now She Will Run In A Marathon

Video: Woman Almost Paralyzed Running From A Rapist And Now She Will Run In A Marathon

Video: Woman Almost Paralyzed Running From A Rapist And Now She Will Run In A Marathon
Video: Teen rapist could get lighter sentence 2024, September

Hannah Gavios is an example that life can smile at you again after suffering a tragedy. Two years ago, she fell 150 feet from a rocky mountain in Thailand, where she was on vacation, fleeing from a rapist. The young woman did not think she would survive or walk again, but now she trains for the New York marathon.

In September 2016, Gavios suffered a serious fall while fleeing her attacker, who took advantage of her immobility to abuse her for hours. She was rescued, but suffered a serious injury to her spine. Her assailant was found and imprisoned.

Although he still can't move his feet or toes and still has nerve damage, he set a goal to participate in the New York marathon.

"After my injury, the most devastating thing was hearing that I couldn't run or walk," Gavios, 25, told PEOPLE. “But I had to run again and the closest thing would be to do it on crutches. I could still participate in the race and use what I have to the fullest.”

Hannah Gavios
Hannah Gavios

Although she had to undergo physical therapy earlier this year, she was inspired by the story of Amanda Sullivan, who participated in the crutch competition. “I started training in late March. It was like an hour, the most I've [walked on crutches] is seven hours, "adds the young woman to PEOPLE, who works as a graphic designer in New York.

"The best part of my training is having fun," he adds. "There are times when I start to have pain and my whole body hurts, but I have proven to myself that I am stronger than I think."

Hannah Gavios
Hannah Gavios

Gavios is part of Team Reeve (which supports the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation) and has already raised more than $ 16,000 for the foundation, which helps people living with paralysis and seeks a cure. The marathon will be this Sunday, November 4 and Gavios says to be ready. "I feel very prepared," she concludes. “I feel like the day is coming after so much effort and energy. My long-term goal is to run again."
