IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?

IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?
IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?

Video: IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?

Video: IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?
Video: Чем iPhone X хуже и лучше iPhone 8 или подробное сравнение iPhone X и iPhone 8. 2024, September

An iPhone 8 or an iPhone X? Yes, this is the big question and the big dilemma that tech fans, smartphone lovers, and - why not - who are fans of new Mac products are going through.

The company created by Steve Job offers you the opportunity to order a new iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 and have it on hand. However, you have another option that you can acquire in just days. On November 3 you could be the owner of the much mentioned and reviewed iPhone X.

What is the difference between one and the other? CNN Tech argues that the difference in price fluctuates between an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus - it's basically like buying an iPhone 7S and an iPhone 7S Plus. Although it details that the two models have new features, some changes in design that classify as very subtle, and the speed that characterizes the system. The back of the phone is a reinforced glass. Why did they change it? CNN Tech points out that it was made to be able to be loaded with the wireless or wireless system. The charger, presumably, will have an additional cost.

Meanwhile, what does iPhone X provide you? CNN Tech says it has a bigger and "cooler" appeal. It only comes in one size and is a little bigger than the iPhone 8. It doesn't have the "home" button. Also, it will detect your face. Yes it is. Also, the camera will feature several additional enhancements to the iPhone 8. Both lenses will have optical stabilization. So which one do you prefer?
