Trump Blames Obama Administration For Attack In Syria

Trump Blames Obama Administration For Attack In Syria
Trump Blames Obama Administration For Attack In Syria

Video: Trump Blames Obama Administration For Attack In Syria

Video: Trump Blames Obama Administration For Attack In Syria
Video: Trump to Obama in 2013: Do not attack Syria 2024, September

The Donald Trump government has just accused the Barack Obama administration of the chemical attack that occurred this morning in the Syrian province of Ildlib, in which about 70 people lost their lives.

As reported by CNN, at a press conference the presidential spokesman opined that this reprehensible attack on innocent people could not be ignored. The official went further and blamed the government of his predecessor: "These atrocious actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the weakness and irresolution of the past administration."

That same news network reported that among the deceased there were at least 10 children and that this is considered to have been one of the most disastrous chemical attacks in that country in recent years.

Barack Obama and Donald Trump
Barack Obama and Donald Trump

According to Anas al-Diab, an activist at the Aleppo Media Center, the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib was rocked early this morning by air strikes that dumped poisonous gas on it.

This is not the first time that tragedy has shaken Syria, a country that has been experiencing an endless civil war in recent years. The conflict found in August last year one of its most emblematic faces in Omran Daqneesh, the boy whose photo in which he appears bloody and covered in dust, went around the world.

Last year the United Nations also indicated that some 13.5 million people need humanitarian aid in this nation, prompting several humanitarian organizations to turn to asking for funds to help their victims.

Regarding today's incident, the Syrian army has categorically denied having used chemical or poisonous material in Khan Sheikhoun, and two state news media reported that there had been "an explosion in a rebel poison gas factory".
