Gasolinazo In Mexico: 6 Things You Need To Know

Gasolinazo In Mexico: 6 Things You Need To Know
Gasolinazo In Mexico: 6 Things You Need To Know

Video: Gasolinazo In Mexico: 6 Things You Need To Know

Video: Gasolinazo In Mexico: 6 Things You Need To Know
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Gasolinazo in Mexico
Gasolinazo in Mexico

The so-called gasoline wave that has rocked Mexico since January 1, 2017 seems to not yield. After changes in the laws that regulate the sale of fuel caused an increase of up to 20% in the price of gasoline at the national level, citizen protests against the increase have multiplied and there is fear of a paralysis of the country.

Paralyzed roads, protests in different parts of the country, including in Mexico City, are just some of the manifestations of discontent in these first three days of the year. In the face of such a stir it is good to ask yourself what exactly is the so-called gasoline stroke.

Here is the most updated information:

While different labor and transport groups have called for more protests, Mexico is preparing for a new coup, with rising electricity rates.

Through a statement, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) reported that rates in the commercial, industrial and domestic sectors will increase in January, with the exception of low-consumption households.

The announced increases range from 2.6% to 4.7%. Further protests are expected in this regard.
