Aesthetic Treatments Without Surgery

Aesthetic Treatments Without Surgery
Aesthetic Treatments Without Surgery

Video: Aesthetic Treatments Without Surgery

Video: Aesthetic Treatments Without Surgery

More and more women are turning to "express" treatments instead of plastic surgery to improve their skin tone or reduce expression wrinkles, bags, etc. looking for a more natural result, less recovery time and less aggressive. We spoke with our expert collaborator in skin and aging, Dr. Campos, about the most fashionable treatments in this field. Take note if you are thinking of making any changes.

As the Doctor explains, what does not change is what patients want: lift, give volume and smooth. "What does change is how we do it," he says. "Instead of fillers, for example, many now opt for suspension threads because they lift, stimulate collagen and also when the threads break down they become collagen […] and [the effect] lasts much longer than fillers, year round and a half and two years”.

These threads are recommended for areas of the face such as the cheekbones, on the jaw, on the eyebrows, among other places, according to the doctor, who also confessed to us that he also wears them.


Although they have been very popular for years, fillers are still one of the most popular non-invasive procedures, but both the application techniques and the ingredients they carry have evolved. From natural silk fillers that are still in the testing phase to water-based ones, there is everything!

"For example, calcium hydropathite, which is made with water, and is placed just above the bone", explains about this procedure with which a more defined, more "square" result is achieved than with other active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.

Meanwhile, don't miss the best tips from @drcampos every week to maintain the health of your skin from home and the dermatologist's consultation in the safest and healthiest way.
