Walter Mercado Horoscope Of The Day For December 12: Day Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe

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Walter Mercado Horoscope Of The Day For December 12: Day Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe
Walter Mercado Horoscope Of The Day For December 12: Day Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe

Video: Walter Mercado Horoscope Of The Day For December 12: Day Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe

Video: Walter Mercado Horoscope Of The Day For December 12: Day Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe
Video: 22/12/2014 - Código Hermes | Programa Completo 2024, September

December 12 Virgin of Guadalupe Day


March 20- April 19

Located, I hide it in the light. Do not tell the intimacy of your life to anyone, especially now that there is a full moon. Ignore those people who judge you without hardly knowing you. You just have to be good with yourself. Keep the secrets that others entrust to you as sacred.

Lucky Numbers: 15, 3, 28

Holy Word: Save


April 20- May 20

Maintain control of both your actions and your words under this Full Moon. Those who offended you will suffer the consequences of their actions. You will have to be clear, but without offenses, with someone who in recent years has dedicated himself to complicating your existence.

Lucky Numbers: 50, 41, 26

Holy Word: Control


May 21 - June 20

There is a full moon, so for now be more cooperative than usual. Put everything related to legal papers in order. If you have plans to travel, organize ahead of time and do not leave anything half or last minute. Make sure everything is in order, down to the smallest detail.

Lucky Numbers: 10, 49, 32

Holy Word: Cooperation


June 21 - July 21

This Full Moon gets to shake what was stable so that you dare to venture into other terrains. Every dependency, every umbilical cord is broken. You are independent and you walk on safe grounds. Believe in yourself, listen to your heart that never cheats. Express your feelings.

Lucky numbers: 4, 7, 13

Holy Word: To make independent


July 22 - August 22

This Full Moon exalts the senses. Openness will now be your best weapon, but you should be very sure of when and who you are targeting as this could cause serious problems. Treat your intimate, personal relationships with silk gloves. Avoid falling into excesses.

Lucky numbers: 26, 17, 5

Sacred Word: Senses


August 23 - September 22

Stay on safe ground under this Full Moon. If you have to travel, take all the precautions you consider necessary. Make sure they write down what they promise you. Nothing will be denied you if you ask with your heart. Your faith grows stronger and miracles will occur in your life.

Lucky numbers: 40, 12, 39

Sacred Word: Miracle


September 23 - October 22

The spirits are exalted under the full moon. If you are positive you will not have to worry since everything will fall into place. Concentrate for the moment on your personal affairs. You might be sorry for something you said, but this is not the best time to make things clear.

Lucky numbers: 9, 18, 35

Holy Word: Patience


October 23 - November 21

Have a lot of control over your emotions. Your impulsiveness could take you to extremes with your family or loved ones. Think carefully about every step to take. You will realize now that you have created problems for yourself that you do not need. You have to overcome that stubbornness that limits you.

Lucky numbers: 33, 5, 17

Holy Word: Overcome


November 22 - December 20

There is a full moon, mysterious and mystical. What you express will be heard by everyone and they will judge you by what you say. The prudence factor cannot be missing in your life. Do not lose your head for small things. Ask others to repeat things to you if necessary.

Lucky numbers: 5, 38, 16

Sacred Word: Express


December 21 - January 19

Do not express anything under anger or courage and make sure you are well understood, especially when your work depends on what others do. This Full Moon exalts the spirits, so be very careful with what you say, the way you express yourself, especially towards those you love.

Lucky numbers: 49, 13, 21

Holy Word: Beware


January 20 - February 17

Try to be calm and at peace with yourself as this Full Moon prompts you to be upset by small things. That letter or call that you wait could be delayed so you must develop infinite patience. Pay attention to everything around you. Don't argue with older people.

Lucky numbers: 6, 29, 11

Holy Word: Tranquility


February 18 - March 19

The matter of money is exalted for you under this Full Moon. You can feel calm since everything will go the way you want. Your partner helping you, supporting you in everything you need. Plan but do not immediately jump into doing what you want so much.

Lucky numbers: 8, 19, 3

Holy Word: Plan
