The Horoscope For March 21 By Walter Mercado

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The Horoscope For March 21 By Walter Mercado
The Horoscope For March 21 By Walter Mercado

Video: The Horoscope For March 21 By Walter Mercado

Video: The Horoscope For March 21 By Walter Mercado
Video: Walter Mercado: What to do for a prosperous 2019 2024, October


March 20 - April 19

You will express yourself clearly now, having the facility to convince even your worst enemy. Letters or phone calls will be cause for joy, good news. Communicate more often with your loved ones abroad, they need you.

Lucky numbers: 11, 30, 6

Holy Word: Clarity


April 20 - May 20

The world of the unknown, the mysterious, the mystical is activated for you. Don't question your psychic or mental abilities. You are in full physical and emotional recovery. Establish a balance. Follow the dictates of your intuition, but also listen to reason.

Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 40

Sacred Word: Recover


May 21 - June 20

A new project will bring you money, as well as open doors to greater career or profession achievements. Unions or associations are well regarded. Use your intelligence along with your creative skills so that you can develop what can benefit you.

Lucky numbers: 9, 14, 22

Holy Word: Skill


June 21 - July 21

Your health could be affected by what you eat and your pocket by what you spend. Establish a midpoint in everything. Nothing of black or white since the half tone is the one that suits you. Get up to speed on a legal matter that requires your attention. Stay true to what has already been stipulated by you.

Lucky numbers: 17, 3, 26

Holy Word: Set


July 22 - August 22

Do not doubt what your heart dictates and let yourself be guided by your correct intuition. Deep down you know what the answer is. Do not be afraid to express yourself with the truth since this will be the only way that you project yourself as you are and through it you will get to know yourself better.

Lucky numbers: 19, 14, 28

Sacred Word: Express


August 23 - September 22

You will adjust now without any problem to the constant changes that life presents to you. Complaints in the home or family area will be resolved without much effort on your part. You will be the target of criticism for making decisions that some consider somewhat drastic, but you calm.

Lucky numbers: 21, 39, 14

Holy Word: Adjust


September 23 - October 22

Don't wait for anyone and take the initiative today. You will be able to communicate effectively and with your words you will be able to conquer new horizons. You will receive the credit you deserve for your work and effort. You will have a lot of energy and you will project it in everything you do.

Lucky numbers: 22, 5, 30

Sacred Word: Credit


October 23 - November 21

You will be very lucky in love. Cupid pushes you to conquer. Put shyness aside since it suits you to be more aggressive. Overcome inferiority complexes. You are a unique and wonderful being. Be proud of your achievements, applaud your successes. Be spontaneous in everything.

Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 9

Holy Word: Enjoy


November 22 - December 20

A child, a new job, or a new residence beautifies your existence. It is time to decorate, change and reinvent yourself to exalt your environment. Live grateful for everything you have. Go shopping you will be lucky to find what you need, at the price you want and it suits you.

Lucky numbers: 45, 18, 34

Holy Word: Beautify


December 21 - January 19

Accept that reality that you have been denying yourself. You have to start clearing your life of everything that slows your path to success. A person younger than you will make you lose your mind with her somewhat daring ideas. Take off the blindfold so you can see who's who in your life.

Lucky numbers: 30, 4, 16

Holy Word: Clean


January 20 - February 17

You are more selective and this will definitely work in your favor. Go safely, don't take risks. When you feel like you don't like something, go ahead, don't stop. Past experiences have left their mark on your heart, but it is time to eliminate them and love again.

Lucky numbers: 37, 8, 10

Holy Word: Delete


February 18 - March 19

Don't be so demanding or disciplined. Break the routine and dare to explore the unknown. Share your secrets, your sorrows and your joys. Exalt all that sweetness and understanding that you hide within your heart. Be more affectionate towards your loved ones.

Lucky numbers: 6, 13, 23

Holy Word: Exalt
