Video Of Boy Suffering From Bullying Goes Viral

Video Of Boy Suffering From Bullying Goes Viral
Video Of Boy Suffering From Bullying Goes Viral

Video: Video Of Boy Suffering From Bullying Goes Viral

Video: Video Of Boy Suffering From Bullying Goes Viral
Video: Boy speaks out on viral bullying video, mom addresses backlash 2024, September

The mother of Quaden Bayles, a 9-year-old boy with dwarfism, published a video to show the effects of bullying her son is experiencing at school, an action that caused overwhelming support for the boy worldwide.

Yarraka Bayles' video, where she pleads with other parents and teachers to educate their children about bullying, shows little Quaden crying as he wants to end his life. "Give me a knife, I'm going to kill myself," says the little boy tearfully. "I want to die."

Among her own tears of despair, Yarraka explains the difficult situation her family is going through because of what her son experiences daily at his school - and asks to address the problem of bullying in schools so that the same does not happen to another child or family.

"I want people to know that this is the effect bullying has," says Yarraka in the video. “This is what bullying does. It only takes a moment, and you wonder why the children are killing themselves.”

The recording that was initially published on the woman's Facebook page has traveled the world and has caught the attention of celebrities who have twinned with her and her son. Among them: Australian actor Hugh Jackman, who posted this message on his Twitter account: “Quaden, you are stronger than you know, buddy. No matter what happens, you have a friend. Everyone please be kind to each other. Bullying is not okay, period”.

For his part, comedian Brad Williams - who also lives with dwarfism - created a GoFundMe page, which has already raised more than $ 170,000 to, among other things, allow Quaden and his mother to travel to Disneyland Park.

Quaden was born with achondroplasia and is the image of the charity organization Stand Tall 4 Dwarfism that was created by her mother in order to educate and end bullying.
