Donald Trump Finds The Suggestion To Kill Migrants At The Border Funny

Donald Trump Finds The Suggestion To Kill Migrants At The Border Funny
Donald Trump Finds The Suggestion To Kill Migrants At The Border Funny

Video: Donald Trump Finds The Suggestion To Kill Migrants At The Border Funny

Video: Donald Trump Finds The Suggestion To Kill Migrants At The Border Funny
Video: Trump's Border Wall Has Left a Complicated Legacy 2024, September

Donald Trump's controversial statements no longer surprise almost anyone. However, a comment he made at a political rally in Florida has left many with their mouths open after the president found the idea of killing immigrants crossing the U. S.-Mexico border without papers funny.

Addressing his supporters at a political rally held in Florida on Wednesday, the 72-year-old president addressed the issue of security on the southern border. "How do we stop these people?" He said after a short spiel.

"Build the wall!" Shouted someone in the crowd, among whom could be seen men, women, and children of different races. "Shoot them!" Someone else yelled.

In a video broadcast on CNN, Trump can be seen reacting to the comment, saying ironically, “that can only [happen] in [the] Panhandle region. Only in the Panhandle. " The comment caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

Trump continued his speech reinforcing words spoken before his term, where he accused Mexicans of being "rapists." "I told them what was happening. I mentioned the word rape, "exclaimed Trump, who was outraged that, according to him, weapons cannot be used against migrants, while" other countries can ".

And so as not to leave the puppet with a head, the president continued with the issue of aid to Puerto Rico after the passage of Hurricane Maria, emphasizing the aid - according to him - without precedent that the island has received.

We have never given $ 91 billion to any state. We gave them to Puerto Rico,”he assured. “Actually, I brought a board, do you want to see it? By pure chance I brought him with me,”said the president to show the alleged document without clarifying its origin.
