Latina Among Victims Of A Helicopter Crash In New York

Latina Among Victims Of A Helicopter Crash In New York
Latina Among Victims Of A Helicopter Crash In New York

Video: Latina Among Victims Of A Helicopter Crash In New York

Video: Latina Among Victims Of A Helicopter Crash In New York
Video: New Jersey Family Narrowly Survives Florida Condo Collapse | NBC New York 2024, September

Carla Vallejos Blanco, a 29-year-old Argentine tourist, is among the fatalities left by a helicopter crash that crashed into New York City's well-known East River.

The most recent reports released by the authorities have confirmed that the five passengers who were traveling in the aircraft lost their lives. The only survivor of the tragic accident was 33-year-old pilot Richard Vance.

Brian McDaniel, a 26-year-old firefighter; Trevor Cadigan, a 26-year-old journalist; Daniel Thompson, 34, and Tristian Hill, 29, were the other four people who died in the crash, New York police revealed.

New York rescue agencies after helicopter crash
New York rescue agencies after helicopter crash

The images of the shocking accident were published through social networks and in them it is seen how the helicopter tries to make an emergency descent in the river that borders the eastern part of Manhattan. Despite the fact that the emergency floats were expanded when it touched the water, the aircraft immediately turns and begins to sink.

According to statements delivered by New York Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro, the five people who died were tightly tied to their seats by safety harnesses and it was necessary to cut them in order to remove the occupants of the helicopter, which was also submerged. upside down.

After the arrival of the emergency agencies, two of the occupants were pronounced dead at the scene, while three others died after being transferred to nearby hospitals in critical health conditions, as reported by CBS New York on its online site.

In an additional report, CNN said it is the third time that a Liberty Helicopters company aircraft has suffered an accident in the last eleven years. In 2009, one of his helicopters collided with a small plane and nine people died. In 2007, another of its air vehicles fell into the Hudson River, but this time all of its passengers managed to get out of the incident alive.
