The Horoscope For April 21 By Walter Mercado

The Horoscope For April 21 By Walter Mercado
The Horoscope For April 21 By Walter Mercado

Video: The Horoscope For April 21 By Walter Mercado

Video: The Horoscope For April 21 By Walter Mercado
Video: Estas son las predicciones de Walter Mercado para cada signo durante el 2019 2024, July


March 20 - April 19

Day to leave behind great worries and rest, Aries. You need to recover from very busy days. Meditate and beautify yourself. Planetary energy encourages you to put your ideas in order to give a different twist to the last days of April. Big positive changes will come soon in your life.

Your statement today: "I love everything I do."

Lucky numbers: 34, 19, 40

Holy Word: Rest


April 20 - May 20

The Sun is about to enter your sign. Today Sunday decrees happiness, fun and good vibes. Have a great time. No one has permission to change your energy and good vibes. Better to be alone than in bad company. Dedicate this day to you. Prepare to receive another year of life full of peace, love and good fortune.

Your statement today: "I am a being full of peace, love and I live in abundance."

Lucky numbers: 34, 17, 30

Holy Word: Abundance


May 21 - June 20

You are determined to make drastic changes in your life. You want to live free from suffering, ties or with toxic people. Leave behind those memories that torment you. Nothing will be the same, even if you return with an old love, change your house, country, if you do not make a genuine change in yourself. When you decide to be happy without depending on anyone, you will attract blessings into your life. "I'm happy".

Your statement today: 34, 7, 40

Lucky numbers: 11, 59, 27

Sacred Word: Decision


June 21 - July 21

You have a pretty busy day. But the planets give you their energy and power to fulfill all your obligations. Delegate, Cancer, allow others to help you, cooperate and make decisions on their own initiative. Your sense of protection inclines you to want to dominate others and that makes you uncomfortable.

Your statement today: "I let go and I flow."

Lucky numbers: 32, 18, 45

Holy Word: Flow


July 22 - August 22

Laugh Leo and decide to be happy. You have many reasons to thank and celebrate. It seeks to connect and infect you with positive, enterprising and ambitious people. You need that energy to follow through on your plans. Love is by your side, enjoy it and let yourself be loved. Pride has been your shield to keep away those who love you.

Your statement today: "Today is the happiest day of my life."

Lucky numbers: 6, 49, 39

Holy Word: Celebration


August 23 - September 22

There is no use in rebelling with the wrong people, insisting on blaming others for your plans not being carried out. Accept the consequences of your actions. Asking forgiveness after doing damage leaves wounds. Take care of the love you have.

Your statement today: "Love does good."

Lucky numbers: 42, 43, 44

Sacred Word: Acceptance


September 23 - October 22

A lot of energy in your mansion of love and unions have made April a very stable and happy month for you sentimentally. Allow me to continue like this with a positive and optimistic attitude. This Sunday, join your loved one more. Let yourself be pampered, loved and helped. Money will come soon but the savings are imposed.

Your statement today: "I wish the best for myself and for others."

Lucky numbers: 20, 8, 45

Holy Word: Blessings


October 23 - November 21

Open your heart to everything beautiful that comes to you and many times you close yourself to receive. It flows with everything that arises on this day. Young and enthusiastic people surround you and spread new rhythms and customs. The Sun and other planets foster love and unions starting this week. Leave love traumas in the past.

Your statement today: "I have everything to be happy."

Lucky numbers: 39, 5, 40

Holy Word: Flow


November 22 - December 20

Each experience has a teaching for everyone. It is up to you to ask yourself what the lesson was and if it is worth repeating it for better or for worse. Your strong, dominant and without middle terms character leads you to conclude with a situation that has exhausted your patience. The moment to act arrived. Planets favor and strengthen your finances.

Your statement today: "I lack nothing."

Lucky numbers: 17, 40, 7

Holy Word: 30, 5, 44


December 21 - January 19

Your patience has reached its limit with a personal situation. You have to decide between continuing like this or changing. The role of martyr does not suit you. Accept that nothing changes if you don't take action for yourself. Economically you are stable and nothing is missing. Take care of your figure, your personal image.

Your statement today: "I have the power to change what I don't like about my life."

Lucky numbers: 45, 39, 20

Holy Word: Power


January 20 - February 17

Aquarius you are strong and fun. Your joy is contagious. Full of optimism and positivism to others. The love you give is returned to you multiplied. Forbidden to complain, today is a day of thanks. Everything you receive, live and enjoy is because you deserved it. They love you and you love them. Give yourself a gift, you deserve it.

Your statement today: "The more love I give, the more I receive."

Lucky numbers: 11, 40, 53

Holy Word: Thank you


February 18 - March 19

Planetary energy drives you to distract your mind and get out of the routine. Think about how you can use your day differently. Very active people want to include you in their plans. Flow and let yourself go. The Sun continues to propel your finances into abundance. The economic should not worry. Take care of your health and physical image. Your statement today: "My life is beautiful and blessed."

Lucky numbers: 4, 10, 40

Holy Word: Distraction
