Horoscope March 7

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Horoscope March 7
Horoscope March 7

Video: Horoscope March 7

Video: Horoscope March 7
Video: Daily Horoscope: March 5th to March 7th, 2018 2024, July


March 20 - April 18

Mercury and Venus enter your first home today emphasizing your desire to relate to other people. Take advantage of this positive energy to fix any tense or difficult situation you have. You will enjoy very much the contact with your good friends and the romance will say present in your life.

Lucky Numbers: 49, 31, 27

Holy Word: Seize


April 19 - May 19

Your spirituality is exalted, so you will seek to get in touch with your inner self. Mercury together with Venus, your ruling planet, lead you to get involved in activities where you can help others through your word, your advice and your presence. With your love you can do everything.

Lucky Numbers: 26, 8, 11

Holy Word: Help


May 20 - June 20

Any activity in which you have to deal with the public, such as your work or business, is favored. You will share more with your partner becoming the same in your best company. Mercury and Venus light up your world of friends so it is a good time to enjoy them.

Lucky Numbers: 20, 44, 3

Holy Word: Company


June 21 - July 21

Your professional affairs will go smoothly thanks to the positive influence of Venus and Mercury that are now in your 10th house. Not only is communication exalted but you also benefit from those people who are in important or authoritative positions.

Lucky Numbers: 9, 20, 1

Holy Word: Benefit


July 22 - August 22

You are now entering a period of personal growth. Everything related to art will catch your attention. The new, the never tried by you will attract you a lot. It is a good time to travel since every trip is for pleasure or business will be very pleasant, beneficial and rich in pleasant experiences.

Lucky Numbers: 51, 12, 4

Holy Word: Grow


August 23 - September 21

Love relationships are exalted thanks to Mercury and Venus. There will be a lot of passion with your loved one and a lot of communication at the level of feeling. The money will come to you through your partner or investments, so you are in a very good moment to request financial aid if you need it.

Lucky Numbers: 30, 25, 13

Holy Word: Communicate


September 22 - October 22

You have the green light now to do and undo in matters of love. Venus and Mercury will help you communicate better in your romantic relationships by extending its energy to your friends, coworkers, and family. Shows of affection will not be lacking in your life now.

Lucky Numbers: 11, 50, 6

Holy Word: Affection


October 23 - November 21

Both Venus and Mercury now exert their positive influence on your health, but this does not mean that you abuse eating cravings, especially sweets. Take control of your life and stay healthy. It is time to set the record straight with your partner and resolve past conflicts.

Lucky Numbers: 15, 36, 18

Holy Word: Control


November 22 - December 20

You will be able to express yourself now through the arts. Loving relationships are favored and the person who comes into your life will accept you as you are. It is entertainment time for you with the entrance of Mercury and Venus in your fifth house. You will feel more free to carry out mischief.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 19, 31

Holy Word: Express


December 21 - January 18

Follow your intuition in everything and your unique touch will be very special when choosing what beautifies your environment. When Mercury and Venus pass through your fourth house, the one that governs the home, your desire to share and carry out activities in it increases. Take care of your digestive system since you will have the tendency to eat too much.

Lucky Numbers: 41, 15, 8

Holy Word: Intuition


January 19 - February 17

Your social life is emphasized with Venus and Mercury in your house of communication. You will discover the love that those who share with you have for you. Nothing will be left to the imagination since you will be very expressive. You will appreciate in a very special way everything around you.

Lucky Numbers: 33, 51, 7

Holy Word: Discover


February 18 - March 19

Mercury and Venus move to your house of money, which will make you carry out transactions, negotiate, look for bargains or offers and attract prosperity. You will know how to treat people in a very special way and you will have the gift of convincing others. You will attract money easily.

Lucky Numbers: 10, 46, 18

Holy Word: Negotiate
