More Drama In Case Of Girlfriend Who Sent Texts To Boyfriend To Commit Suicide

More Drama In Case Of Girlfriend Who Sent Texts To Boyfriend To Commit Suicide
More Drama In Case Of Girlfriend Who Sent Texts To Boyfriend To Commit Suicide

Video: More Drama In Case Of Girlfriend Who Sent Texts To Boyfriend To Commit Suicide

Video: More Drama In Case Of Girlfriend Who Sent Texts To Boyfriend To Commit Suicide
Video: What happened in the Massachusetts suicide texting case 2024, September

Family Conrad Roy III is outraged that Michelle Carter, the young woman who in June was convicted in a court of Massachusetts for the involuntary manslaughter of this young man decided to leave it free while she appeals the ruling.

Although that crime could imply a sentence of 20 years in prison for the girl who, through text messages, incited her then boyfriend to kill himself, the judge in charge opted for a less severe sentence: two and a half years in prison. Also: He released her while preparing her appeal.

As stated to Good Morning America (ABC), Roy's cousin, Makenna O'Donnell, she was deeply sick to hear that ruling: “Two and a half years is not enough. It should be behind bars."

"I just don't understand how anyone can be free, knowing that he deliberately told [Roy] to get back in the car," O'Donnell continued. Referring to the fact that before he died, his cousin tried to abort his suicide plan by sucking carbon monoxide into his vehicle, but she wrote to him insisting that he return and end his life.


"She is going to go to bed tonight, she is going to be able to have breakfast (and) wake up with her family, meanwhile, where is Conrad?" Asked the interviewee.

Although Carter was a minor (she was 17) when this happened, she was charged as a juvenile delinquent, which under the law allowed her to be sentenced the same as an adult and which, in this crime, could have led to 20 years in prison. However, prosecutors asked for 7 to 12 years, while their defense attorneys asked for five years of supervised probation.

Conrad Roy III was 18 years old when he committed suicide on July 13, 2014.
