Police Video Revealed When Hispanic Santa Clara Killed
Police Video Revealed When Hispanic Santa Clara Killed

Video: Police Video Revealed When Hispanic Santa Clara Killed

Video: Police Video Revealed When Hispanic Santa Clara Killed
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The Santa Clara district attorney in California revealed a frightening video this Friday that shows the moment when four police officers from that district shot Jennifer Vazquez, a 24-year-old Hispanic woman, whom they confused with a fugitive from the law and who died as a result of the shooting.

“In the early morning hours of December 25, 2018, police were investigating the shooting of two people on Story Road and Clemence Avenue. While this was happening, a witness said that he told the police that the car involved had escaped,” David Boyd, Deputy Prosecutor of Santa Clara, explained in a press release. “Searching in the direction indicated by the witness, the police followed a [Toyota car] Camry and determined that it was the stolen vehicle. When they tried to get the driver to stop, he refused and led the police in a 9-mile high-speed chase.”

When the chase ended and the car was "surrounded by police cars," Boyd explained, "and under orders from the police in armored cars to surrender, the driver refused. He tried to crash his car to get his vehicle out."

"Nothing that Jennifer Vazquez did on December 25, 2018 dispelled the reasonable suspicion that she was the person the police were looking for," the deputy prosecutor continued to justify the use of violence in the controversial case. “Even after the crash, Vazquez's behavior revealed to an objective observer that she was not going to be arrested - regardless of what law enforcement did - and that she was going to use her car to escape without caring about the safety of others."

Also in the car was Linda Carmona-Bruno, 28, a friend of the victim who, although wounded by the shooting, survived.

Jennifer Vazquez
Jennifer Vazquez

Neighbors deposited offerings for Vazquez at the place where he lost his life. According to Linda Carmona-Bruno, who was on board the vehicle with the victim, the two had just done Christmas shopping before the shooting:

After the shooting, the police found a metal tube in Vazquez's body "and tools to commit a robbery, as well as methamphetamines," Boyd explained in the aforementioned document. "Against the deceased there was an order pending arrest for possession of narcotic drugs and was processed in 2014 for the theft of a car," it was detailed.

After what happened, Carmona-Bruno reported that both were going to her boyfriend's house and that Vazquez "knew" that they were going to arrest her, as explained in the incident report of approximately 62 pages. "She said, 'I can't go anywhere because I'm going to be shot.'"

The day after what happened, his family opened a GoFundMe page seeking help for the Vazquez family, but to date, the goal of $ 15,000 has not been raised.
