Baby Is Found In The Mountains

Baby Is Found In The Mountains
Baby Is Found In The Mountains

Video: Baby Is Found In The Mountains

Video: Baby Is Found In The Mountains

A five-month-old baby was found alive after a man allegedly buried him in the wild in the mountains of Montana.

People say Francis Carlton Crowley, 32, was arrested after he allegedly buried the baby face down, under many branches and other debris. This would have occurred near Lolo Hot Springs, the Missoula County Sheriff's office revealed in a statement.

Officers appeared at the scene because there were witnesses who called to indicate that a man was acting strange and "threatening people" saying he had a gun. The statement reproduced by People indicates that Crowley had left the area leaving the baby; that was left in your care. The individual had not been seen for hours, the note says. Crowley returned to the area and was arrested.

The statement explains that Crowley "appeared to be under the influence of drugs." People say the man allegedly told police that the baby, who has not been identified, was possibly buried somewhere in the mountains. This helped send troops to search for the minor in the mountains. "After searching for more than six hours on foot, a lieutenant heard a soft baby cry," the statement read. The baby was found at about 2:30 a.m. on his stomach, under a pile of sticks and debris. The baby's clothes were wet and dirty. The temperature was 46 degrees. The baby was taken to a hospital and is in good condition, the statement read.
