Texas Massacre Author Killed Children

Texas Massacre Author Killed Children
Texas Massacre Author Killed Children

Video: Texas Massacre Author Killed Children

Video: Texas Massacre Author Killed Children
Video: The Lovers Who Killed Children (Serial Killer Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, September

The shooting that occurred this Sunday inside a church in Sutherland, Texas, continues to be news. This Monday a couple who survived the tragedy where 26 people lost their lives revealed that the perpetrator of the massacre shot children who were crying or making noise "at point blank range", while he perpetrated his crime.

Joaquín Ramírez and his wife, Roseanne Solís, told ABC KSAT-12 that around 11:00 am they were sitting outside the First Baptist Church waiting for the Sunday religious service to begin.

"I heard fireworks exploding, ta-ta-ta," the woman explained about the time when violence erupted inside the temple (around 11:30 am). "Everyone started screaming, screaming. They threw themselves to the ground, crawling down everything they found to hide. It was so terrifying, he was shooting very hard.”

According to the couple, there were about 25 children inside the church and the gunman, who answered by the name of Devin Kelley, began to shoot them without mercy. Ramírez explained that at one point his gaze met that of Annabelle Pomeroy, 14, daughter of the church pastor.

The girl was crying and asking for help and according to the man he put a finger to his lips to tell her to be silent, but then Kelley executed her. "I could see death," Ramírez assured the same source.

According to TIME reports, the ages of the victims fluctuate between 18 months and 77 years. An additional 20 people were injured, 10 of them seriously and remain in critical condition.

For now, the authorities have not found the reason that led the young veteran to carry out the indiscriminate massacre. Some investigators said Monday that he was angry with his mother-in-law, who is a member of the church.
