Horoscope For February 24 By Walter Mercado

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Horoscope For February 24 By Walter Mercado
Horoscope For February 24 By Walter Mercado

Video: Horoscope For February 24 By Walter Mercado

Video: Horoscope For February 24 By Walter Mercado
Video: Estas son las predicciones de Walter Mercado para cada signo durante el 2019 2024, September


March 20 - April 19

Celebration Sunday. Celebrate life, love, all the blessings that you receive daily and you do not realize that you enjoy them. It is time to meditate and evaluate what direction your life will take. Leave fear behind and dare to make the change, especially in your love life.

Your statement today: "I draw only blessings to myself."

Lucky Numbers: 3, 19, 34, 11

Holy Word: Change


April 20 - May 20

All roads lead to being alone with yourself on this day. You need to evaluate certain situations or family or sentimental issues that have kept you very busy. Give importance to everything positive that people give you and leave the negative behind.

Your statement today: "I live in total prosperity."

Lucky Numbers: 5, 29, 31, 9

Holy Word: Positive


May 21 - June 20

Laugh, enjoy and enjoy life. This Sunday go for a walk, play a sport, visit a relative, but don't stay home. Nostalgia leads you away from the world to think about what was in the past, a past that will not return. Cheer up. Fill yourself with positive energy and force yourself to step into happiness.

Your statement today: "I am a lucky being."

Lucky Numbers: 21, 30, 44, 8

Holy Word: Happiness


June 21 - July 21

Finish everything pending. Day to catch up, from a conversation with your partner to administrative matters of your career or profession. Ignoring it can bring you more problems or complications that you don't need right now. Your partner needs security. He expects more commitment from you in everything you have offered him.

Your statement today: "I am happy, healthy and successful."

Lucky Numbers: 20, 44, 16, 21

Holy Word: Conclude


July 22 - August 22

Beautiful day for you. News arrives to brighten your day. You are in the company of people full of good vibes and very positive. Children, parents or relatives celebrate life with you. Get together for a divine day. Love makes you look and feel good. Planetary energy fosters good relationships.

Your statement today: "My faith is great, I trusted God."

Lucky Numbers: 12, 40, 6, 38

Holy Word: Love


August 23 - September 22

Every action has a reaction, it is called karma. So you have to think about the consequences of your actions, words or thoughts. If you want to change your present situation, you must change your actions so that your future is better. You have to sacrifice something for your life to take another turn.

Your statement today: "I have the power to be successful in everything I do."

Lucky Numbers: 5, 39, 21, 9

Holy Word: Action


September 23 - October 22

Today give yourself the opportunity to do something different. Get out of the routine. Day to venture and take risks. Outdoor activities are well planned for you today. Love, new friends and opportunities appear so that you can live beautiful and unforgettable moments. The Sun along with other planets, favor that you have a good mood and attitude towards life.

Your statement today: "Thank you"

Lucky numbers: 29, 44, 19, 33

Holy Word: Fun


October 23 - November 21

Be selective with those people who share your day. No hanging out with toxic people, no one in a bad mood, pessimistic, selfish or negative. All these bad emotions are contagious and you end up bitter like them. Find who loves you and contributes to your happiness.

Your statement today: "I enjoy total success in what I like to do."

Lucky Numbers: 7, 40, 25, 21

Holy Word: Selective


November 22 - December 20

Clear your mind of negative thoughts. Shift the channel from what's tragic, troublesome to positive and hopeful. What you think attracts you, so, to think positive and in successful solutions. A person gives you very important advice, listen to him.

Your statement today: "I have complete confidence in myself."

Lucky Numbers: 18, 44, 41, 1

Holy Word: Trust


December 21 - January 19

You have been successful in certain goals that you have set for yourself. You have also managed to overcome sentimental issues to make way for a new and great love. Stay strong and with faith in yourself. Your loving future, like the professional one, depends on the perseverance and firmness you have in achieving your goals.

Your statement today: "God has a perfect plan for me."

Lucky Numbers: 9, 50, 45, 21

Holy Word: Constancy


January 20 - February 17

There is no use arguing with someone who thinks they know everything. Take advantage of your energy to spend it on more interesting topics with people who know how to share their knowledge and experiences while respecting your point of view. Love goes through a great test. Now you will know if the person next to you is worth it.

Your statement today: "I fight for my peace and happiness."

Lucky Numbers: 1, 18, 48, 28

Holy Word: Respect


February 18 - March 19

You know what suits you and you resist doing it. That stubbornness leads you to suffer, to fill yourself with more problems and complications that you don't need right now. Follow advice, little fish. Give yourself the opportunity to try other methods, treatments, or strategies. Think of yourself first.

Your statement today: "I have wisdom to make good decisions."

Lucky Numbers: 4, 30, 5, 27

Holy Word: Opportunity
