Young Man Who Traveled To The Dominican Republic To Undergo Liposuction Dies

Young Man Who Traveled To The Dominican Republic To Undergo Liposuction Dies
Young Man Who Traveled To The Dominican Republic To Undergo Liposuction Dies

Video: Young Man Who Traveled To The Dominican Republic To Undergo Liposuction Dies

Video: Young Man Who Traveled To The Dominican Republic To Undergo Liposuction Dies
Video: New York man dies in Dominican Republic after plastic surgery 2024, September

Manuel de Jesús Núñez, a 28-year-old resident in New York, died on June 11 in the Dominican Republic after traveling to that country to undergo a liposuction process. Now his family is asking to investigate the causes of his death because it has come to light that this is the fourth patient who dies after being treated by the same doctor: Oscar Polanco.

According to multiple sources on the island, the boy from Santiago underwent a hip reduction at the Caribbean Plastic Surgery clinic, located in the Arroyo Hondo II sector of Santo Domingo.

Núñez, known to his friends as “La Gárgola”, was admitted in the clinic in the morning and at the end of the process he went to a room, around 3:00 pm

The mother said that around 6:00 pm, her son did not wake up and that the nurses told them that this was normal and that when she asked to be awakened, she did not react. Her friends also assure that Núñez looked "yellow" after the surgery, according to Dario Cibao.

The cause of death was declared as "respiratory distress". Spokespersons assure that they proceeded to "perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation" and that they acted according to the established "protocols", even so the patient died.

According to Diario Libre, this was the third time that La Gárgola underwent liposuction and her mother had asked her not to undergo this process again.

Drowning in tears, the woman told the publication the words she said to her son before the operation: “[I told him] don't do that lipo to yourself, you've already got two done. You don't have to do with the rooms, I told him yesterday and he said to me: Mommy, I have my doctor. I said give it to me better (the money) so I could eat it and what he did was he stuck his tongue out at me and said goodbye.”

For their part, sources in Santo Domingo report that the doctor in question is not a plastic surgeon, but a gynecologist and that he has faced justice on several occasions. In February 2015, he was accused of involuntary manslaughter for the deaths of Ely Peña, 24, and Sara de los Ángeles Martínez Rodríguez, 39, who died at the Institute for Weight Loss and Body Aesthetics.

Polanco was dismissed from the charges due to lack of evidence, however he had to pay compensation of 23 million Dominican pesos to the family of the deceased.

In 2016, his patient Ramona Franco Cruz, 24, died.

Polanco received multiple complaints before the Dominican Society for Plastic Surgery and does not appear in the official records of the National Association of Private Clinics, which has further alarmed the relatives of the deceased, who are now asking for his death to be clarified.
