Meet The Designer Rosario Chozas And Her Bammie Line
Meet The Designer Rosario Chozas And Her Bammie Line

Video: Meet The Designer Rosario Chozas And Her Bammie Line

Video: Meet The Designer Rosario Chozas And Her Bammie Line
Video: Meet the Artist: Paco Gramaje 2024, October
Rosario Chozas
Rosario Chozas

Talking about designer Rosario Chozas is talking about fashion, but it is also talking about help, passion, dedication and struggle, especially for women's rights. Discover the dreams, passion, dedication and exquisite designs of this Argentine creator who works for and for women.

How did you start in the world of fashion?

My beginnings in the fashion world were by chance. In Buenos Aires, I worked as a costume designer and fashion producer and that led me to learn about the production and clothing manufacturing process, in addition to meeting many people in the fashion world. At that same time I also met my partner who is a great Argentine designer and together we had an institute that offered fashion and image courses.

Tell us about this very modern yet sophisticated collection that you have created

It is a manifestation, in clothing, of what I would like all women to feel in their day to day. The collection is based on the possibility of being comfortable, elegant and suitable for the occasions on the day that we often have. From informal [things] to more formal. The idea of this collection is to have a capsule wardrobe, with the specific garments that a woman needs to go to the different types of events that can be held in the same day or week. Many times comfort becomes synonymous with poor dress, left. I think we should be able to be comfortable and feel elegant and hyper feminine at the same time. I think that when comfort meets elegance, the best, most beautiful and most powerful version of each one can come to light.

What inspired you?

In the ideal wardrobe, in the day of many of the women I know and in the possibility of being dressed appropriately for a professional environment but totally comfortable at the same time.

What type of woman do you design for?

For today's women. The multifaceted, inspired, busy, creative, fun and powerful woman who is a mother, professional, friend, sister, collaborator, etc., etc. and all at once.

Why do you think it is so important to look good to feel good?

At one point, we are the center of our little universe. We are the directors of our life. Feeling good, liking how we look and being comfortable with it is not a minor thing. If we do not feel good, if we do not feel that we are really something wonderful, how can we be able to create a world around us that is wonderful or at least how we want?

Why should modern women use your line?

The Bammies line ( can offer you practicality over everything. The idea is that each Bammies collection is small but incredibly versatile and smart, with pieces that collaborate with other garments that you may have in your wardrobes, generating a comfortable, cool, elegant dressing facility in very few steps.

For you, it is very important to empower women, why?

That's it. It is absolutely everything. It fills me with doing things, whatever it is, that make women feel spectacular, empowered and incredible. Whether I am hosting a conference, putting together an event, or designing a collection, the goal is always that at some point the women who attend or who are collaborating or who are acquiring the garments all feel empowered to do whatever they want to do. Empowering women is the starting point from which everything else is born.

Tell us about your role at Women, Innovation & Technology

[I am] co-creator and director. WIT is a project that was dreamed, created and carried out together with Marianna Lopez, a great woman leader and focused on generating dialogues with women leaders who can educate, inspire and motivate women and men to carry out their ventures and projects thanks to technology. WIT is a one-day conference, held within the Miami technology fair called Emerge Americas. WIT attracts speakers from the tech world as well as from the creative world by generating a platform for dialogues between entrepreneurs, women with highly prestigious roles in the corporate world, and women from the world of fashion, art and design who can provide useful information and transformative for those who attend the conference.

Do you have other projects? What are they about?

My other projects are and always will be treated in some way with the theme of creating a world in which gender difference does not prevent the possibility of following our dreams.

Fuck the Fork is a project that aims to generate conversations about how we can, collectively as a human society, transform the world so that women never feel the crossroads or fork in the road, where they have to choose between being mothers or being CEO. We should build a world where human beings, men and women simply are, create, grow and develop as professionals, period. I think we are at a key moment to start having this conversation and see how we can create this world.
