This Is The Reason For The Faces Of The Son Of Alfonso Cuarón

This Is The Reason For The Faces Of The Son Of Alfonso Cuarón
This Is The Reason For The Faces Of The Son Of Alfonso Cuarón

Video: This Is The Reason For The Faces Of The Son Of Alfonso Cuarón

Video: This Is The Reason For The Faces Of The Son Of Alfonso Cuarón
Video: Boney M - Real Name and Age 2024, September

When Alfonso Cuarón walked the red carpet at the Oscars, held this Sunday in Hollywood, the eyes were fixed on one of his three children: Olmo Teodoro Cuarón, who was caught in different press videos and amateurs making faces or strange gestures.

The networks immediately seized these clips to generate a wave of ridicule and sarcastic memes insinuating that the 13-year-old boy had taken something or was intentionally making these gestures.

The teasing has led to the revelation that the teenager suffers from autism. And although his condition is not a secret because his father has recognized in the past the evil that afflicts his son, the enormous attention generated by the ROMA film and his triumphal passage through the Oscars that have brought to light the condition of the youngster.

In videos captured by the Hollywood Reporter and other media, Olmo and his sister, Tess Bu, are seen sticking out their tongues and playing on their father's back. "Alfonso Cuarón will have won the Oscar, but his children succeeded on the red carpet," he said in a post.

Cuarón collected three awards for Best Director, Best Cinematography and Best Foreign Film for ROME, the black and white story that tells a passage in the life of a domestic employee and whose story is based on the woman who was Cuarón's nanny in the real life.

The creator of tapes like Y tu madre Tambien and Gravity has made his son's condition public and in fact in 2009 he directed a promotional short for the organization Autism Speaks, dedicated to helping families with children who suffer from the disease. At the time the clip caused controversy because there it was claimed that it was "virtually impossible for a family to go to a temple, a birthday party or a public park without giving shame or embarrassment", something that was strongly debated by the community.

"I give my support to the Autism Speaks Foundation, which is the only organization that seriously treats the problem of autism, I think it is a global epidemic, the levels are really worrying," the 57-year-old filmmaker once exclaimed to the Notimex agency. by talking about it.
