Walter Mercado's Year Of The Dog Predictions

Walter Mercado's Year Of The Dog Predictions
Walter Mercado's Year Of The Dog Predictions

Video: Walter Mercado's Year Of The Dog Predictions

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According to the Chinese horoscope, the year 2018 is the year of the earth dog that will cover from February 16, 2018 to February 4, 2019. Year that is associated with the sign of love, justice, art and diplomacy, that is, the sign of Libra.

Jupiter, the expansive and most lucky planet, will transit through the sign of Scorpio until November 9, 2018 when it will majestically enter its own heavenly kingdom, that is, Sagittarius.

Saturn, the planet of tests and lessons, will be all year 2018 in the mansion where it reigns, that is, in Capricorn. Saturn will bring dramatic changes alongside Pluto, especially in the regency of countries.

Neptune will continue to awaken hearts so that harmony, brotherhood and spirituality reign within the chaos and crisis that humanity is experiencing.

Uranus, the rare and unpredictable revolutionary planet, changes course, leaving Aries and entering the land of Taurus. Then Uranus returns by retrograde to Aries on Wednesday, November 7, 2018. Uranus will shake up the world of economics and finance. The year of saving money, time and energy has arrived.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Mars, the planet of passion, erotic and sensual and positive action, will start the year 2018 from the sign of the Scorpio multiplying its magic and power. On the negative, Mars will bring more aggressiveness and power struggles especially in the fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and the air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).

Venus, the planet of love, will start the year 2018 at the top, that is, in Capricorn, sending us a Christian message of the urgent need to practice unconditional love, that is, to love, forgive and accept ourselves beyond races, creeds, cultures, dogmas or sexes. In this year 2018, something surprising, unusual and little seen will happen.
