Predictions For The Year Of The Dog
Predictions For The Year Of The Dog

Video: Predictions For The Year Of The Dog

Video: Predictions For The Year Of The Dog
Video: YEAR OF THE DOG 2020 2024, September

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year 2018 is the year of the ground dog that will cover from February 16, 2018 to February 4, 2019. Year that is associated with the sign of love, justice, art and diplomacy, or be it, the sign of Libra,”says Walter Mercado in his annual predictions for the lunar calendar. Find out what this new cycle has in store for us!

The dog that barks the most is the one that bites the least. Much omen and negative prediction will be false news to grab public attention. There is no need to listen to apocalyptic or end of the world comments. This world does not end.

The year of the dog is a year of surprise marriages and erratic unions. Unleashed passions continue and many will lose their minds for love. The astral advice is to have good friends and let love arrive without precipitations or follies. Who will share your life comes to you when you least expect it and in the least expected place.

The spiritual revolution continues to boom. Interest in the occult, reincarnation, scientific astrology, UFOs, astral travel, ancient oracles, tarot will continue to gain adherents by the millions. Neptune in Pisces continues to roll over everything related to the spirit, the soul, the afterlife and everything paranormal.

Walter says this year will be one of "surprise marriages and erratic unions." What will this mean for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? The couple is slated to get married on May 19

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

[The] apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the Sublime Master Jesus and other beings of Light will be in the news throughout 2018.

2018 is the year to bury conventions, outdated dogmas, old customs and take a new attitude towards life. Every trip will be a pilgrimage of good luck and acquisition of culture. You will open your chakras, your third eye and your kundalini in search of new experiences. The positives will be more "sexy", radiant and full of chi (energy). They will give free rein to their imagination creating a new universe and a new and more attractive personality. They will awaken from the lethargy and sleepwalking in which they have lived and will act following their own impulses and dictates of their hearts. They will enjoy a stage of enormous sensuality. You will retake the enthusiasm to live and you will fall in love with someone or something that will take you to the seventh heaven.

The man will look within himself for the answer to his concerns and doubts. You will discover that heaven and hell are within us. We will search and we will find the reason for everything tragic that has whipped all of humanity. There will be in all a search for truths and an encounter with our true self, beyond masks, roles and false appearances.
