Irina Baeva Interviews Bullying In Networks For Romance With Gabriel Soto

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Irina Baeva Interviews Bullying In Networks For Romance With Gabriel Soto
Irina Baeva Interviews Bullying In Networks For Romance With Gabriel Soto

Video: Irina Baeva Interviews Bullying In Networks For Romance With Gabriel Soto

Video: Irina Baeva Interviews Bullying In Networks For Romance With Gabriel Soto
Video: Irina Baeva y Gabriel Soto aprovechan para ejercitarse | Las Estrellas 2024, October

Passionate about what she does, intelligent and very disciplined. This is how Irina Baeva, the Russian actress who has conquered the Mexican television industry with just 26 years of age, is defined thanks to the immense talent that has overflowed during the last five years in successful Televisa soap operas such as Passion and Power (2015) and Vino el love (2016). This image, however, is far from the one that has been projected of the young interpreter in recent years in different media following an event in her private life that ended up eclipsing her professional achievements: the confirmation of her romance with Gabriel Soto when he had not yet separated from the Mexican actress Geraldine Bazán. This mediatic and controversial love relationship led the also protagonist of the melodrama I declare myself guilty (2017) to win, very reluctantly, titles like 'robber husband' or 'homebreaker' and to suffer harassment through social networks that, unfortunately, It has not ceased today and it has forced her to deactivate the comments of her posts on Instagram.

“I can't tell you that nothing is wrong. Anyone who came to say that to you I think would lie to you because really the moment it happens to you you get to wonder what is happening and why that is happening. It really does come to a point where it affects you and you get sad,”Baeva says in an exclusive interview.


The lynching of which Irina has been a victim through social networks could easily have emotionally unbalanced the beautiful Russian, but the actress has known how to overcome this hard slump.

"There comes a time when you say 'this far, I know who I am and I'm not going to allow people to define who I am without even knowing me' and when you understand that the opinions that matter are definitely those of your friends and people who really know you and know you well. So as long as you know who you are and those people also know who you are and see it in you because they know you and live with you, there is no problem, "he says.

Baeva, who has more than two million followers on Instagram alone, is a faithful advocate of the idea that everything in this life 'happens for something' and comes to teach us something and make us stronger. "There was a reason things had to have happened that way because also if you don't learn from that, life will put it in front of you until you can get something positive," he says.

In his case, he acknowledges that the lesson he learned from everything that happened could not have been clearer: "do not judge others". "That would be the greatest lesson because regardless of who we are and the perspective from which we see life, each person is there fighting their own battle, giving them the desire they can and living the life they have to live or that in this moment he chose and we don't know what's behind it. Thats the big problem".


We see the lives of others and we think we know everything and we think we know what is happening there behind the doors and that is why we think, judge and release opinions without stopping to think if we really have the knowledge to be able to give our point of objective view”, stresses the beautiful actress of Televisa, who is convinced that 'if all of us stopped criticizing and judging the world at some point it would be different'.

Unstoppable career

While her private life has been grabbing headlines in the mainstream media since her romance with Soto came to light in 2018, Baeva has continued to reap achievements on a professional level. In just four years, the actress has participated in five successful soap operas - two of them as the protagonist and one as the antagonist - and has filmed a movie that is about to be released. “I cannot feel more fortunate and blessed by so many opportunities. It gives me a sense of pride that I can say 'I did it by myself, I really wanted to do it and I did it.'”

It was not easy for the actress to make her way in a country that is not hers and in a language that she did not speak until recently, but without a doubt it was worth it.

"They are definitely very hard days and I hardly see my family, but it is very nice to know that you accomplished something that you thought was going to be unattainable," he says.

As unattainable as becoming part of a series that can be seen around the world and that today, thanks to his recent participation in the television series The Dragon (Univision), is a reality.

“I am very excited about this project and I think all of us who did it too. It is definitely the big bet of the season. It has everything,”says Baeva, who is very excited that for the first time her work can be seen in Russia through the Netflix platform.

"I am thrilled that my family can see part of my work and feel proud that now a series made here in Mexico has reached Russia," says Baeva, who is currently recording a new soap opera in Mexico, Single with Daughters, with his partner..
