Horoscope June 1
Horoscope June 1

Video: Horoscope June 1

Video: Horoscope June 1
Video: Daily Astrology Horoscope: June 1 | Venus trine Jupiter 2024, September


March 20 - April 18

Face your enemies with the truth. Do not be afraid of what they will say and assert your rights. Save money, adjust your budget as unplanned expenses are looming. Ask for the collaboration of those who share with you so that you can organize yourself effectively.

Lucky Numbers: 33, 10, 27

Holy Word: Organize


April 19 - May 19

Take action on your health. Don't neglect that important aspect of your life. Take care of those small ailments that plague you in time. Much of your dreams have come true. Economically you go ahead and romantic relationships stabilize.

Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 42

Holy Word: Attend


May 20 - June 20

You become emotionally stronger than ever before. You will laugh at what made you cry, nobody can affect you or bother you like before. You will meet someone who will contribute to your professional and personal development. Anything that is communication is favorably emphasized.

Lucky Numbers: 22, 11, 3

Holy Word: Laugh


June 21 - July 21

Put your feet firmly on the ground and wake up to new and important realities. Give that person who has a lot to offer the opportunity and eliminate from your life the one that until now has not fulfilled you. It is time to remove all those stones that hinder your way.

Lucky Numbers: 15, 50, 23

Holy Word: Delete


July 22 - August 22

Make your dreams come true, Leo. The determination and interest you put into your work or studies will be the key to your success in life. A family problem, even if you don't want to, could indirectly affect you by influencing your plans, especially those you have for today.

Lucky Numbers: 9, 45, 31

Holy Word: Perform


August 23 - September 21

You're in luck, Virgo, take advantage of the hot streak. Now you get the help you need in relation to a project that you have been planning for a long time. Someone who did not agree with your plans supports you financially. You will do more in less time.

Lucky Numbers: 6, 40, 38

Holy Word: Backup


September 22 - October 22

Don't give up on your battle to excel in life and achieve your goals. Patiently continue to piece together the puzzle of your life. Demand, ask, demand what you deserve since you will be correct in almost all your decisions. Your inner voice never fails you and you know it.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 33, 26

Holy Word: Achieve


October 23 - November 21

Begin today to erase from your mind those errors of which you live eternally repentant and blame the fire, so that it disappears from your life. Do not be your own judge, be flexible and flow with life. Enjoy even your mistakes since they are your best school.

Lucky Numbers: 46, 7, 20

Holy Word: Flow


November 22 - December 20

Don't leave anything for later. A close relative will create problems for you on a personal level. You will have to use your cunning to keep it from going where it shouldn't or cannot. Pay attention to this situation so that it does not create major consequences.

Lucky numbers: 18, 5, 21

Sacred Word: Attention


December 21 - January 18

Shows of affection, respect and affection from family or coworkers will not be missing now. Someone very special will take the opportunity to tell you how much he loves you and will demand an immediate response from you. Don't rush, think things through.

Lucky Numbers: 25, 18, 29

Holy Word: Think


January 19 - February 17

Your professionalism will be evident during the day today. You can put all your ideas into practice and you will have the support of your bosses or superiors. Insecurity will now become a thing of the past. You will have greater fluidity, security and power of conviction when expressing yourself.

Lucky Numbers: 11, 39, 18

Holy Word: Security


February 18 - March 19

Be more conservative when it comes to spending money. It is time to save and not spend. Ignore the pressures or demands of those who work with you. Do not be manipulated or accept more responsibilities than you already have. Free yourself from what binds or depresses you.

Lucky Numbers: 4, 9, 48

Holy Word: Save
