Adriana Cataño Comes Out In Defense Of Julián Gil

Adriana Cataño Comes Out In Defense Of Julián Gil
Adriana Cataño Comes Out In Defense Of Julián Gil

Video: Adriana Cataño Comes Out In Defense Of Julián Gil

Video: Adriana Cataño Comes Out In Defense Of Julián Gil
Video: СТРАШНАЯ УЧИТЕЛЬНИЦА 3D В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ! Scary teacher 3d ПРАНКИ над УЧИЛКОЙ! 2024, September

As a single mother who should have raised her daughter Gabriella alone, Adriana Cataño considers that Marjorie de Sousa is making a mistake by preventing her son Matías Gregorio from seeing his father, Julián Gil, when the actor is completely interested in being able to be with your child on a regular basis.

Adriana Cataño
Adriana Cataño

“I don't understand anything because I had the complete opposite: a father [ Jorge Salinas] who didn't want to even be a father, didn't want to recognize his daughter [Gabriella], didn't want to spend time with her; it was as if by force,”Cataño told the Mexican television program Ventaneando (TV Azteca). “This girl [Marjorie de Sousa] has Julián [Gil] who, if she wants to be with her son and has the opposite, then she doesn't appreciate him. I feel very bad for Julián”.

Julián Gil
Julián Gil

For the actress, she also considers it inappropriate for Julián Gil to be forced to meet his son in a coexistence center without having the corresponding freedom in such a fraternal relationship.

When I had the problem with the father of my daughter, the lawyer said to me 'since they don't know each other, do you want visits to be supervised in the social center?' I said 'are you crazy? In a criminal place, taking my daughter to a criminal place does not. Let him come to my house; I supervise it the first year until they make a good relationship. ' So it was; there was never any problem,”she explained.

Marjorie de Sousa
Marjorie de Sousa

For Adriana Cataño, the situation the histrion is going through is sad, but she hopes it will be resolved for the good of Matías.

"I don't live with them, I don't know what's going on; But what I am seeing from the outside is that he wants to be in the life of his son and she does not allow it, "he warned. "Julián is not a criminal."
