Marjorie De Sousa Assures That Her Son Looks Like Julián Gil

Marjorie De Sousa Assures That Her Son Looks Like Julián Gil
Marjorie De Sousa Assures That Her Son Looks Like Julián Gil

Video: Marjorie De Sousa Assures That Her Son Looks Like Julián Gil

Video: Marjorie De Sousa Assures That Her Son Looks Like Julián Gil

Marjorie de Sousa does not avoid talking about her son, Matías, or the situation she lives with his father, actor Julian Gil, and confessed that he now understands his mother when he told her that everything is done for children. The actress assured that she has had to keep quiet and endure many things in the legal process that she is going through, all for the welfare of her son.

"No one knows how strong until when you have to live something like this, especially when you have to shut up so many things and endure," he told Despierta América (Univision). "I was just standing up to taking punches. Now I understand when my mother told me: 'One for the children does whatever it takes'. Literally so. For my son I do whatever. I do not care what they say".

During the interview, the artist assured that she learned a fundamental lesson that she not only practices on Thanksgiving, but does it daily.

"I always say that giving thanks must be done every day," he said. “God sends you answers [when you give thanks] and it's like a chain, like you start to understand the situations you live and say okay, now I give even more thanks. In those moments I give thanks for the people who leave, for the people who stay. Because it is a moment that even though you have a lot of confusion in your head, very beautiful things come into your life.

Like Matías's unconditional love, for whom the actress has become the woman of his life.

"He is jealous, very jealous of me," de Sousa confessed. "He is super talkative and also reasons the things that you do not think he ignored them. Mr. Iván [actress's worker] talks a lot with his wife and Matías is listening to him, and one day we are in bed and he says to me: 'Mom, are you my wife?' That is not asked at 4-5 years, you are 2 and a half years old, how do you ask me that? [He said to me:] Mom you are my wife, okay I am your wife."

Who does Matías look like?

The actress did not hesitate to admit that she is the living image of the Puerto Rican actor.

"It seems [in] everything," he said. "There is a saying in Venezuela that says: 'Son denied, son cag..o'. It looks alike in everything. His gestures, very much. It's my life".
