Candela Ferro Shares The Sex Of Her Baby

Candela Ferro Shares The Sex Of Her Baby
Candela Ferro Shares The Sex Of Her Baby

Video: Candela Ferro Shares The Sex Of Her Baby

Video: Candela Ferro Shares The Sex Of Her Baby

Candela Ferro recently announced exclusively on People en Español that she is pregnant. Now the Argentinean presenter makes another burning confession, revealing the sex of the baby she is expecting. It's a girl!”Says Ferro excitedly. “I thought it was going to be a boy but my brothers said it was a girl. Khotán is very happy”, adds his partner, the Mexican actor Khotán Fernández.

Something that excites fashionista Ferro is being able to save her daughter's favorite pieces from her closet. “Yesterday I read about Julia Roberts who keeps her famous Armani Oscars dress under the bed for her daughter. I have three saved dresses from my Billboard era that I love very much and I always hung them. I said: 'They will be for my niece'. Now there is this illusion of how a woman can inherit my clothes and things that I treasure,”she says of her unborn baby in October.

Khotan and Candela
Khotan and Candela

Ferro, who is about three months pregnant, laughs as she remembers how people close to her began to suspect that there was a radical change in her life. “My friends saw that I no longer had champagne or a glass of wine. They said to me: 'Candela, are you cleansing?' I made up, [said] that I am on medication. It is very difficult to hide this,”she admits of her pregnancy.

The couple now begins to prepare their home for the baby's arrival and to think of names for their princess. "I used to like names from all male life," he says. "Khotán is very creative in choosing names, that's what we're at."
