Sabrina Seara Is Already A Mother

Sabrina Seara Is Already A Mother
Sabrina Seara Is Already A Mother

Video: Sabrina Seara Is Already A Mother

Video: Sabrina Seara Is Already A Mother
Video: El Señor de los Cielos 5 | “Nunca había hecho una escena en que me mataran" | Telemundo Novelas 2024, September
Sabrina Seara and Daniel Elbittar
Sabrina Seara and Daniel Elbittar

The wait is over! After "10 months with butterflies in her stomach waiting to meet him", the Venezuelan actress Sabrina Seara - who plays Esperanza Salvatierra in the successful superseries El señor de los cielos (Telemundo) - became a mother this Monday at 7:58 am

The baby, a boy named Maximiliano Elbittar, was born in perfect health.

The proud father, also a Venezuelan actor Daniel Elbittar, was in charge of making the news known through social networks, where he reported to his followers that his delivery went as expected and that both Sabrina and the baby are doing well of health.

“Now I do know what true love is. Maximiliano Elbittar was born healthy thanks to God at 7:58 am. Sabrina Seara is in perfect condition. In this family, what you breathe is love,”said the proud dad, who accompanied the emotional message of a tender snapshot in which the Venezuelan actor appears holding one of the newborn's little hands.

Just hours before, Elbittar had posted a video from the hospital in which he recounted how happy he was at the imminent arrival of his firstborn.

“And the most beautiful hour of our lives came. We are now ready to receive the prince of the house. All the love of our relatives present. What a thrill,”he said.

For her part, the first mother wrote a few hours before delivery through Instagram how excited she was after living "the 10 most wonderful months of my life."

“Since I found out that I was pregnant, I already loved that little person, without knowing the sex, without knowing what it would be like… I just knew that it was the greatest blessing that God could send me […] Today our meeting finally arrived, I can't believe that This is happening, this is what God and life wanted. Today, November 14, the day the moon will shine the most, Maximiliano Elbittar Seara will come into our lives, the being that has kept me 10 months with butterflies in my stomach waiting to meet her, "she said.

Despite the inconveniences of pregnancy, the actress made it clear that this time has been magical for her.

"I spent the most wonderful 10 months of my life and they happened without using perfume, completely out of fashion clothes, without wearing heels, without my favorite jeans, without eating so many things that I love, with extra pounds, I lost many parties, job opportunities, I spent many nights with bad sleep … but the happiest at last, "he said.

Congratulations to the beautiful couple! Welcome to the Maximilian world!
