5 Lessons From Alejandra Espinoza As A Mom

5 Lessons From Alejandra Espinoza As A Mom
5 Lessons From Alejandra Espinoza As A Mom

Video: 5 Lessons From Alejandra Espinoza As A Mom

Video: 5 Lessons From Alejandra Espinoza As A Mom
Video: Entre Hermanas Ep. 5 - ¿Realmente disfrutas ser mamá? 2024, September
Matteo Marrero, Alejandra Espinoza
Matteo Marrero, Alejandra Espinoza

In the first three months of her son Matteo's life, Alejandra Espinoza has learned a lot about motherhood. The 28-year-old first-time mom and host of the La Banda music contest, which premieres this fall on Univisión, tells us what her son has taught her.

1. Baby's needs come first. Although he assures that Matteo behaves very well and sleeps almost all night, he has had to get used to his demanding schedules. "Sometimes I fight with the baby because he won't let me do anything and then I grab him and hug him," she confesses. Seeing her fun dynamic with the little one, her husband, the Puerto Rican choreographer Aníbal Marrero, dedicated the song 'Ay voy ' by the Colombian singer J. Balvin to both of them. "Aníbal says to me, do you know the song of 'Ay Vamos' by J. Balvin that says: 'We fight, we get ready', she sings it all the time," she laughs.

2. Privacy is gold. She communicates by text messages with her friend Ana Patricia Gámez, who recently gave birth to her daughter, but has not yet come to visit her home to give her that intimate space with her newborn. “Your girl was born less than a month ago and is not leaving her house yet. When Matteo was born he didn't even want to be spoken to on the phone. I wanted to be alone with my child, "confesses Espinoza. "I didn't want visitors. I wanted to be in pants. Breastfeeding is complicated. You get frustrated. The first days are complicated and you have to respect those moments of motherhood. Until two months one begins to breathe. Children already sleep better, you can put them on swings and take them out with more tranquility”.

Related: Alejandra Espinoza: a very active mom

3. You have to create connection and intimacy with the baby. “My favorite moment is at night. I bathe it, put music on it. He is happy,”says his son Matteo. “Sometimes I wash it with me. He can stay bathing, he likes that the water falls. From there I have his bottle ready, I change it, I perfume it, I tuck it in and lull it. I sing to him and he falls asleep.”

PHOTO: 18 beautiful images of Alejandra Espinoza

4. It is worth using technology. Although she already started recording La Banda and left the baby with her father for a few hours to go to work, she kept an eye on Matteo. “Thank God there is Facetime and I was connected with the child almost all the time while they were putting makeup on me. They would send me text messages or send me photographs of what he was doing,”he says.

Beautiful Unplugged: Alejandra Espinoza (VIDEO)

5. Yes, you can be a mother and a professional. “I wanted to go back to work and I was very excited to start this new project by La Banda. These are two beautiful things that have happened to me this year … speaking in the sense of La Banda and Matteo. You have to work them together, make you want on both sides.”
