Tracey Tong Defends Muslims After Insulting A Latina Woman

Tracey Tong Defends Muslims After Insulting A Latina Woman
Tracey Tong Defends Muslims After Insulting A Latina Woman

Video: Tracey Tong Defends Muslims After Insulting A Latina Woman

Video: Tracey Tong Defends Muslims After Insulting A Latina Woman
Video: The Woman Who Defended a Muslim Subway Rider Meets Ellen 2024, September

Tracey Tong, of Chinese and Peruvian origin, was riding the New York City subway like every day, exactly on line E. Her day seemed like any other until she witnessed something that made her react. Another woman, of Puerto Rican origin, began to ask unpleasant questions to a couple with an Indian-Muslim appearance.

The young woman came to her defense and the video, which was recorded by a witness, went viral making her a complete heroine. As can be seen in the images, the aggressor began to ask uncomfortable questions. "Why are they here? Why are they in this country if they are not with us?”, Some questions to which the victim responded. "Who we?".

Faced with such disrespect, Tracey couldn't contain herself and spoke to the woman in Spanish. "I think it is being very unfair. Here we all have to unite. We don't have to be against a person, that's absolutely ridiculous and it's disrespectful. Why are we going to fight people and start more problems? Do not start attacking a lady who, poor thing, is innocent, "she added.

But the attacker ignores her comments and continues to lash out at the couple. It was then that the patience of the young woman reached the limit and told her the clearest things. "I am not telling you to shut up, I ask you to respect her in Spanish, English, Chinese, French, in any language you want me to tell you, I will tell you, she was born here, in Puerto Rico or wherever" he continued.

Her courage and intervention have made her the star of the week. Not allowing this racist act is an example to take into account and praise, something the media has done for the relevance of this gesture.
