Claudia Molina Gives Tips For Eating At Christmas

Claudia Molina Gives Tips For Eating At Christmas
Claudia Molina Gives Tips For Eating At Christmas

Video: Claudia Molina Gives Tips For Eating At Christmas

Video: Claudia Molina Gives Tips For Eating At Christmas

Christmas, New Years and Three Kings Day are already around the corner. During these festivities, in addition to sharing with the family and having a good time, there is no person who can avoid eating until they are full. But that's not all, along with turkey, salad, mashed potatoes and many other delicacies, there are also parties with colleagues at work or friends, where you will never miss a toast with the occasional canapé.

So taking advantage of the arrival of the end of the year festivities and that Claudia Molina is making her debut with her second book Cuerpazo para siempre. My method of transforming your figure into a heart attack body (Atria Spanish), we exclusively interviewed the Colombian woman and asked her to reveal to us the steps we must follow to eat without guilt and not worry about gaining weight. Are you ready to know what is the third tip you gave us?

Claudia Molina
Claudia Molina

"You have to use light meals and juices as an alternative also to cleanse the body. I have a very effective detoxification plan, but as this eating and eating process goes by, you have to give the body substances to detoxify the liver, otherwise you will achieve very high poisoning, "says Molina. "Help the body. In the middle of a nap and another it can be at a snack or as a replacement for lunch, use the juices from my book Sabrosa y fit, so that with seaweed, vegetables and fruits you can detoxify the body.
