Magic To Receive 2020: Cancer, Leo And Virgo

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Magic To Receive 2020: Cancer, Leo And Virgo
Magic To Receive 2020: Cancer, Leo And Virgo

Say goodbye to this 2019 grateful for what happened in the past twelve months, whether good or apparently negative, everything has had a reason for being, a why. New experiences, loves, financial opportunities, everything can be transformed into blessings if we do it with enthusiasm. The universe, the planets have a big influence on each of us, but let's use our own energy, our own power to attract more blessings, luck, prosperity, health and much love.

Here are the magic and tips to receive 2020 by Walter Mercado. Important! Each sign must do its magic, ritual or bath as a symbol of what it wants to attract, what it wants to manifest in 2020.


June 21 - July 21

On December 31, light a white candle, a color that represents you as a child of the moon. Decorate your house or room with lily flowers, gardenias or white roses. Pray a rosary or do the mantra of your choice by visualizing yourself with your happy family, including the souls of your loved ones who are no longer present. On the morning of the 31st, walk around your home with a glass, cup or jug with water to collect the negative, wait at midnight and throw that water into the street or far away from you. Dress in silver or white with gold accessories. Pearls cannot be missing in your trousseau. Your bath should be done with white flowers, milk, anise, husk, perfume and water.


July 22 - August 22

Leo is very traditional. It will take a lot of energy and courage to face 2020 with positivity. Your lucky color is orange. Your candle and clothing for the last day of 2019 and the first day of 2020 are orange or golden like the Sun. It is important that you clean and remove from your environment everything that is broken, useless or that you no longer use. It is imperative that you remove stagnant energies and make room for the new that will come to you. Write down on paper what you want to see happen in 2020 and read it daily. If you are single or with relationship problems, buy a heart-shaped candle and light it before 12:00 at night. Your bath should be done with 12 bay leaves, orange, peppermint, perfume, honey, cinnamon and water.


August 23 - September 22

Everything you do with great faith in this farewell to the year will be a decree that will be manifested in 2020. You need to reprogram your mind to think and express yourself positively. Practice not criticizing or judging. To increase your prosperity and abundance, get three branches of wheat and put them in your home or workplace to attract abundance and you can keep them there for the next twelve months of 2020. Pass an egg all over your body or if you prefer, you can pass one fruit that you will later throw away from your home. Decree that just as that fruit or egg has collected the negative energy in you, so will blessings come to your life. Pray, pray, or repeat a mantra that raises your spiritual energy. Bathe with 7 drops of your 7 favorite perfumes or essential oils, honey, cinnamon and water.
