Horoscope For November 19 By Walter Mercado

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Horoscope For November 19 By Walter Mercado
Horoscope For November 19 By Walter Mercado

Video: Horoscope For November 19 By Walter Mercado

Video: Horoscope For November 19 By Walter Mercado
Video: Estas son las predicciones de Walter Mercado para cada signo durante el 2019 2024, September


March 20 - April 18

Don't get upset about things that don't matter. Find the reason or root of the problem and solve it before it continues to grow in proportion. It is imperative that you orient yourself so that you are clearer spiritually and continue on the right path. May peace and love breathe around you now.

Lucky Numbers: 28, 1, 25

Holy Word: Solve


April 19 - May 19

Aim to make each day unique, you can make a difference in someone else's life. Don't get stuck in fear or indecision, dare to everything. Avoid friendships that are not frank and that show you envy with their actions, with their words or gestures.

Lucky Numbers: 41, 15, 2

Holy Word: Dare


May 20 - June 20

You will fight hard to rescue the love or friendship of that someone so special. Every gesture or action will count against or in your favor. You will grow both materially and spiritually. Your role as victim or martyr is over. You will have the mental power to succeed in everything.

Lucky Numbers: 25, 9, 8

Holy Word: Power


June 21 - July 21

Make good use of your past experiences so as not to fall into the same mistake twice. Clean, remove defeatist or negative thoughts from your mind. Download, throw away any feeling of rancor or revenge. Keep in mind that you will achieve more if you calm down and calmly study your options.

Lucky Numbers: 3, 28, 25

Holy Word: Tranquility


July 22 - August 22

Relax and set aside time for fun. Break with emotional dependencies that do you no good. One of your goals will be to be in harmony with yourself, with your people and you are achieving it. Travel, foreign contacts and legal matters are well considered.

Lucky Numbers: 13, 17, 29

Holy Word: Break


August 23 - September 21

It is time to think about happy things and to expand your circle of friends. On the other hand, do not waste your money, improve that aspect in your life. Save, you need it. Beware of falling into an economic trap and open your eyes wide. Do not be fooled by appearances.

Lucky Numbers: 42, 8, 20

Holy Word: Save


September 22 - October 22

Make contact with your inner power and you will dare everything. You will break with those chains imposed by pity or compassion. In matters of love the insecurities, the ups and downs are over. Not being frank with the person you love has caused you more problems than you imagined.

Lucky Numbers: 21, 7, 33

Holy Word: Dare


October 23 - November 21

Now you will see that it will be easier for you to get what you want so much. If you make a mistake, accept it and learn from your experiences. Do not want to hide or deny the things that have gone wrong since the only thing you can fool is yourself. Bundle up, bathe in the light of truth.

Lucky Numbers: 11, 4, 20

Holy Word: Ease


November 22 - December 20

Pay attention to your public image, your work, your profession. You will feel the need to change something in your life that prevents you from progressing as you wish. Your health improves and your character becomes more docile and bearable. You will find yourself very communicative and highly expressive.

Lucky Numbers: 6, 19, 32

Holy Word: Attention


December 21 - January 18

Your good luck star illuminates you with all its splendor. You will experience a positive transformation in yourself. Your way of looking at problems changes because you have matured. A person whom you recently met, communicates with you to establish romantic ties.

Lucky Numbers: 22, 9, 36

Holy Word: Luck


January 19 - February 17

You get up on disappointments, disappointments, defeats and rough feelings of a softened nature. Peace reigns in your life again, but work hard to make it last. An encounter with someone from your past will free you from a doubt that you have been feeding in your mind for a long time.

Lucky Numbers: 15, 3, 10

Holy Word: Release


February 18 - March 19

You will face without fear the truth and it will be your best ally. Discover at every moment that special charm that each thing and each person contains. Develop tolerance and you will see everything from another perspective or point of view. Every project promises to be successful.

Lucky Numbers: 13, 7, 35

Holy Word: Face
