Carol Victoria Urban Talks About Cristian

Carol Victoria Urban Talks About Cristian
Carol Victoria Urban Talks About Cristian

Video: Carol Victoria Urban Talks About Cristian

Video: Carol Victoria Urban Talks About Cristian
Video: Carol Victoria dice que ya finiquitó su divorcio de Cristian Castro 2024, October

A long silence on the part of Carol Victoria Urban was present after her separation from the singer Cristian Castro just 28 days after being married. Now, the violinist speaks for the first time about their separation.

"They are completely personal things," Urban warned the Mexican television program Ventaneando (TV Azteca). "I think he [Cristian Castro] will be able to say what is indicated at the time."

Regarding the causes that led the couple to divorce, the singer's third wife preferred to keep that information safe and made it clear that they did not end due to an annoyance on Castro's part, but that they were "differences, simply". She also clarified that there were no infidelities involved.

“It is my personal life. I think it is Cristian who is used to it and who can answer these things. Or else they will not come out in the divorce, I imagine, the causes, "he added. "The truth, I am not aware. I hope there have been no [infidelities]; I do not know".

He also denied that they are already divorced; She even mentioned that there is still no formal process to end the marriage union.

“We are hardly in the process [of divorce]. No, they have not [yet filed the corresponding lawsuit].”

Cristian Castro, Carol Urbán
Cristian Castro, Carol Urbán

And although he mentioned that it is a difficult time, "like any divorce," he assures that "there was no disappointment on the part of any." In addition, she announced that since the separation she has not had contact with her still husband.

“We were not on the Honeymoon, we were at my house, in Italy, I live there. I was going to take exams and, well,”she mentioned. "No, nothing. We have not had contact, because in the end it is a separation, I think it is normal, what any couple does."

He denied that he was having a difficult time.

"I am very happy, thank God," she concluded.
