Marjorie De Sousa Celebrates With A Spectacular Birthday Party The Two Years Of Her Son Matias

Marjorie De Sousa Celebrates With A Spectacular Birthday Party The Two Years Of Her Son Matias
Marjorie De Sousa Celebrates With A Spectacular Birthday Party The Two Years Of Her Son Matias

Video: Marjorie De Sousa Celebrates With A Spectacular Birthday Party The Two Years Of Her Son Matias

Video: Marjorie De Sousa Celebrates With A Spectacular Birthday Party The Two Years Of Her Son Matias
Video: Rashida & Powerson 18th Birthday Party ( Mother & Son ) 20th July 2019 2024, September

Marjorie de Sousa celebrated last weekend in style the 2nd birthday of her first-born Matías, the result of her failed relationship with soap opera star Julián Gil. The Venezuelan actress, who is currently filming the soap opera Imagen Television Un poquito tuyo with Jorge Salinas in Mexico, threw the house out the window to celebrate her beautiful son as she deserves.

The villain of the successful melodrama Amores verdaderos did not skimp on expenses for the birthday boy to live one of the happiest days of his life and the result could not be more spectacular, starting with the impressive table of sweets set in the famous animated film from Pixar Animation Studios Cars, which left more than one guest open-mouthed.


Cookies, cupcakes, brownies … the main table could not be more full of sweets, without forgetting of course a beautiful four-story-tall cake decorated by Cars whose candles the birthday boy was responsible for blowing.


Among the guests there were many Matías friends, as well as Marjorie's family and coworkers, including Jorge Salinas and María José Magán, with whom he is currently recording the melodrama of Imagen Televisión Un poquito tuyo.


The party took place in this spacious room that, as it could not be otherwise, was all decorated with Cars.


Marjorie's two-year-old birth of her son literally changed her life.

"Matías is a champion, he is a very intelligent child, very happy, not because he is my son, he has a very strong personality, he is not a difficult child, he is docile, affectionate, he is a very special child", the artist had months ago in Exclusive interview for People en Español.

“He has a smile, he is singing all day. Say hello to everyone at the supermarket. It is my life, it is my everything”, she added.
