News 2024, September

Woman Spends A Fortune To Look Like A Disney Character

Woman Spends A Fortune To Look Like A Disney Character

This is the Swedish Pixee Fox who has undergone 200 cosmetic surgeries

Military Doctor Rapes His 9-month-old Daughter

Military Doctor Rapes His 9-month-old Daughter

He himself confessed to the authorities that after raping her, he strangled her with a cord

Killer Who Escaped From Hawaii Caught In California

Killer Who Escaped From Hawaii Caught In California

Since Saito was hospitalized, he has had sex with at least three hospital staff

Walmart Sentenced To Pay A Customer Who Fell

Walmart Sentenced To Pay A Customer Who Fell

A jury awarded $ 7.5 million compensation to the plaintiff for the accident that occurred at a chain store in Alabama

Alleged Serial Killer Left Bloody Messages

Alleged Serial Killer Left Bloody Messages

Detectives in Florida believe that the words written in blood on the body of a vagabond would indicate the guilt of a man in a series of murders

A Boy Dies After Eating A Cheese Sandwich At School

A Boy Dies After Eating A Cheese Sandwich At School

Parents accuse school of giving him cheese sandwich despite being told he was allergic to dairy

Australian Family Recovers Their Pet After Theft

Australian Family Recovers Their Pet After Theft

A family from Melbourne, Australia implored thieves to return their pet to their daughter Maia

Bill Gates Declares War On Alzheimer's

Bill Gates Declares War On Alzheimer's

Bill Gates just donated $ 50 million to an organization investigating the cause of that disease

Oklahoma Boy Commits Incest With His Mother

Oklahoma Boy Commits Incest With His Mother

Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, admitted that she married her mother and was sentenced in an Oklahoma court

NYU Will Host 50 Students From Puerto Rico

NYU Will Host 50 Students From Puerto Rico

Some university students on the island affected by Hurricane Maria may obtain a grant to attend a semester free at New York University

Earthquake In Costa Rica

Earthquake In Costa Rica

At least two deaths were recorded after the 6.5 earthquake on the Richter scale that occurred on the night of Sunday, November 12, in Costa Rica

DREAMers Accuse The United States Mail

DREAMers Accuse The United States Mail

Young people in the DACA program reported that the postal service was delayed in delivering their renewal applications and will now be rejected

400 Dead In Earthquake In Iran And Iraq

400 Dead In Earthquake In Iran And Iraq

As rescuers fight intensely to rescue survivors, the UN reported that between 20,000 to 30,000 people are affected

Dreamer Arrested After Being Deported

Dreamer Arrested After Being Deported

It is the first beneficiary of Deferred Action (DACA) deported during the government of President Donald Trump

Julian Castro Revealed Intentions To Run For President

Julian Castro Revealed Intentions To Run For President

Julián Castro, Latino political leader, revealed his aspirations to run for the presidency in 2020

Texas Massacre Author Killed Children

Texas Massacre Author Killed Children

Witnesses say the man who killed 26 people in Sutherland Springs shot children who cried or made noise at point-blank range

Young Mexican Is Awarded By NASA

Young Mexican Is Awarded By NASA

Jonathan Sánchez Pérez, a Mexican student of only 19 years old, already has NASA's eyes on him

I Gouge Out His Eyes For Rejecting His Marriage Proposal

I Gouge Out His Eyes For Rejecting His Marriage Proposal

The young girl was only 19 years old when her boyfriend broke her neck and attacked her with an ax

El Chapo Denied The Possibility Of Having A Bible

El Chapo Denied The Possibility Of Having A Bible

El Chapo lawyers again denounce the extreme isolation to which Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán has been subjected

The Oldest Person In The World Is 121 Years Old

The Oldest Person In The World Is 121 Years Old

The identity document of the Chilean Celino Villanueva ensures that he is four years older than the oldest person recognized by the Guinness book

The Woman Who Showed The Middle Finger To The US President Is Fired

The Woman Who Showed The Middle Finger To The US President Is Fired

The marketing and social media expert acknowledged to her bosses that she was the woman who made that gesture to Donald Trump and was left without a job

Police Hit Woman In Miami

Police Hit Woman In Miami

An impressive video in which a police officer is seen to punch a nurse has generated a lot of controversy on social networks

Danica Roem Is The First Transgender Legislator From Virgina

Danica Roem Is The First Transgender Legislator From Virgina

Danica Roem is a journalist born in Prince William County, Virginia and a graduate of St. Bonaventure University in New York. We tell you some details of her path to politics

Texas Church Shooting

Texas Church Shooting

Kathleen Curnow, a neighbor of the church where the massacre in which 26 people died, narrated the moment when an 8-year-old girl emerged alive

Couple Accused Of Starving 6-year-old Boy

Couple Accused Of Starving 6-year-old Boy

Michael Roberts, 42, and father of the victim, and Georgena Roberts, stepmother of the minor, were accused on Monday in the town of Jerseyville of his death

IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?

IPhone 8 Or IPhone X?

The new iPhone 8 is already on sale, but in a matter of days you can request the long-awaited iPhone X. How are they different?

4-year-old Girl Dies For Answering Her Mother

4-year-old Girl Dies For Answering Her Mother

Authorities in Florida arrested Tina Farrington, after the discovery of the body of her daughter Taina Paige, which was found in the trash

26 Young Women Appear Dead In The Mediterranean

26 Young Women Appear Dead In The Mediterranean

Italian authorities are investigating whether they were sexually assaulted and deliberately thrown into the sea by human traffickers

Assassin Of The Texas Church Massacre

Assassin Of The Texas Church Massacre

Devin Kelley, 26, who served in the Air Force, has been identified as the man who killed 26 people and wounded 20 others, in a Texas church

They Deny Candy To Black Children On Halloween

They Deny Candy To Black Children On Halloween

Manager of the Strand Café in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, denied sweets to black children

El Chapo Is Depressed

El Chapo Is Depressed

Lawyers for El Chapo Guzmán assure that his client is depressed, has memory loss and needs to be seen by a doctor

Reactions To The Deactivation Of The Presidential Twitter

Reactions To The Deactivation Of The Presidential Twitter

After the president was 11 minutes without his favorite social network, the tweets and memes about the event have not been long in coming

Dead Baby Arkansas Tupperware

Dead Baby Arkansas Tupperware

A couple was arrested in Arkansas after the death of a 1-year-old boy who was found inside a plastic container

Halloween Candy With Heroin

Halloween Candy With Heroin

Authorities in Wisconsin, Oregon and West Virginia alerted to reports of candy containing razors, needles and children receiving heroin

Thief Was Caught In The Middle Of His Robbery

Thief Was Caught In The Middle Of His Robbery

Instead of instilling rage or fear, he has thousands of people dying of laughter at the way he went to jail

Carlos Correa Asks For Marriage

Carlos Correa Asks For Marriage

Houston Astros player Carlos Correa asked his girlfriend, Daniella Rodríguez, for the hand after winning the World Series championship

Christmas Wish For A Child With Cancer

Christmas Wish For A Child With Cancer

Jacob Thompson, a 9-year-old boy with terminal cancer, wants to celebrate his last Christmas in a special way ahead of time. The history

School Of Ireland Unleashes Laughter Of Course Ghost

School Of Ireland Unleashes Laughter Of Course Ghost

By sharing it on YouTube they tried to make the world shake … but they made it enjoy the comments they unleashed

Seven Facts You Should Know About The Attack In New York

Seven Facts You Should Know About The Attack In New York

Police officers classified the incident as a terrorist act. Below are the data we have of the person involved, who was identified as Sayfullo Saipov, 29

Justin Trudeau Costume Photo

Justin Trudeau Costume Photo

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, chose a character that likes young and old to celebrate Halloween, which caused a furor in the networks